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[英]python: best way to verify conditions and raise Exception

hi i have to verify if a vector contains all 0 or 1 and if not raise exception: 嗨,我必须验证一个向量是否包含全0或1,如果没有引发异常:

def assert_all_zero_or_one(vector):
    if set(vector)=={0}: return 0
    if set(vector)=={1}: return 1
    raise TypeError

with this exceution 有了这个优点

assert_all_zero_or_one([1,1,1]) # return 1
assert_all_zero_or_one([0,0]) # return 0
assert_all_zero_or_one([1,0,1]) # raise TypeError

i don't like this solution.. there is a best way to do it with python? 我不喜欢这个解决方案..用python有一个最好的方法吗?

I think your solution conveys your intent well. 我认为您的解决方案很好地传达了您的意图。 You could also do 你也可以这样做

def assert_all_zero_or_one(vector):
    if set(vector) not in ({0}, {1}): raise TypeError
    return vector[0]

so you build set(vector) only once, but I think yours is easier to understand. 所以你只建立一次set(vector) ,但我认为你的更容易理解。

How's this? 这个怎么样?

def assert_all_zero_or_one(vector):
    if all(v==1 for v in vector): return 1
    elif all(v==0 for v in vector): return 0
    else: raise TypeError

Reads quite nicely, I think. 我认为读得很好。

If you prefer short and cryptic: 如果你喜欢简短和神秘:

def assert_all_zero_or_one(vector):
    a, = set(vector)
    return a

Although that gives you a ValueError rather than a TypeError. 虽然这给你一个ValueError而不是TypeError。

def allOneOf(items, ids):
    first = items[0]
    if first in ids and all(i==first for i in items):
        return first
        raise TypeError()

assert_all_zero_or_one = (lambda vector: allOneOf(vector, set([0,1])))

You can also do something like this. 你也可以这样做。

import functools
import operator

def assert_all_zero_or_one(vector):
    if ((functools.reduce(operator.__mul__,vector) == 1) or (functools.reduce(operator.__add__,vector) == 0)):
            return vector[0]
        raise TypeError("Your vector should be homogenous")
def assert_all_zero_or_one(vector):
    if len(vector) == sum(vector):
        return True
    elif sum(vector) == 0:
        return True
    return False

This should work nicely. 这应该很好。

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