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[英].NET Venn Diagram Library

Is there an open source or paid .NET library that will create diagrams with two important features: 是否有一个开源或付费的.NET库,它将创建具有两个重要功能的图表:

  • Create Venn Diagrams 创建维恩图
  • Save the diagrams as images? 将图表保存为图像?

Not sure if this was available in February. 不确定这是否在2月份可用。 But the Google chart API supports Venn diagrams: http://code.google.com/apis/chart/image/docs/chart_wizard.html 但Google图表API支持维恩图: http//code.google.com/apis/chart/image/docs/chart_wizard.html

As an example: http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=200x80&cht=v&chd=t:100,50,80,20,10,20,5&chdl=DataA|DataB|DataC 例如: http//chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs = 200x80&tt = v&chd = t100,50,80,20,10,20,5&chdl = DataA | DataB | DataC

Returns a Venn diagram with the following properties: 返回具有以下属性的维恩图:

chr=200x80 (Size of image) (Can be a max of 300 000 pixels) cht=v (Venn diagram type) chd=t: (Size A, Size B, Size C, Size A intersect B, Size A intersect C, Size B intersect C, Size A intersect B intersect C) chdl= (Labels of the data) chr = 200x80(图像大小)(可以是最大300 000像素)cht = v(维恩图类型)chd = t :(大小A,大小B,大小C,大小A相交B,大小A相交C,大小B与C相交,大小A与B相交C)chdl =(数据的标签)

You can use this with 1, 2 or 3 circles. 您可以使用1,2或3个圆圈。 (For two just make the size parameters -1 where C would be and only give two labels. (对于两个只是将大小参数设为-1,其中C将是,并且只给出两个标签。

chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=200x100&cht=v&chd=t:100,100,-1,10,-1,-1,-1&chdl=DataA|DataB chart.apis.google.com/chart?chs=200x100&cht=v&chd=t:100,100,-1,10,-1,-1,-1&chdl=DataA|DataB

You can implement this in any application that can load an image and therefore save the result of this query. 您可以在任何可以加载图像的应用程序中实现此功能,从而保存此查询的结果。

I don't know of one that currently exists, but it shouldn't be that hard to create. 我不知道目前存在的那个,但创建起来应该不难。 One Image object to represent the chart. 一个Image对象来表示图表。 Use Graphics.FillEllipse to draw the circles, and Graphics.DrawString to print the statistics on the diagram. 使用Graphics.FillEllipse绘制圆和Graphics.DrawString打印图上的统计信息。 And the Image.Save method will save the chart to file. Image.Save方法将图表保存到文件中。

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