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JSF 2-找不到Ajax属性

[英]JSF 2 - Ajax Property not found

I got this error: 我收到此错误:

execute="#{localeManager.changeLocale}": Property 'changeLocale' not found on type xyz.com.i18n.LocaleManager

where LocaleManager is: LocaleManager在哪里:

public class LocaleManager implements Serializable
    // other codes here

    public static void changeLocale(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
       newLocale = (Locale) new Locale((String) event.toString());
       FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getSessionMap().put("selectedLocale", newLocale); 

and I'm calling the bean's method here: 我在这里调用bean的方法:

<h:selectOneMenu id="selectLang" immediate="true" value="#{langListing.language}">
    <f:ajax event="change" execute="#{localeManager.changeLocale}" />
    <f:selectItems value="#{langListing.languages}" />

I'm learning AJAX by experimenting with this code. 我正在通过尝试此代码来学习AJAX。 But I don't understand how Ajax evaluates bean's method. 但是我不明白Ajax如何评估bean的方法。 Is this a straightforward issue to resolve? 这是一个直接解决的问题吗?

As per the <f:ajax> tag documentation the execute attribute should refer to a collection of client IDs which are to be processed at the server side. 根据<f:ajax>标记文档execute属性应引用要在服务器端处理的客户端ID的集合。 This should not refer to some bean action method. 这不应引用某些bean操作方法。 The exception is coming because it's expecting a getter method which returns a collection of client IDs. 即将到来的异常是因为它期望使用getter方法来返回客户端ID的集合。

You want to use the listener attribute instead. 您想改用listener属性。

<f:ajax listener="#{localeManager.changeLocale}" />

Note that the default event for h:selectOneMenu is already valueChange . 请注意, h:selectOneMenu的默认事件已经是valueChange You can just omit it. 您可以忽略它。

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