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[英]What's the easiest way to print output from parallel operations in Ruby without jumbling up the output?

Say I forked of a bunch of Threads and wants to print progress output from each one to STDERR. 假设我分叉了一堆线程,并希望将每个进程输出打印到STDERR。 How can I do so in a way that ensures that the output retains line-atomicity, ie doesn't jumble up output from different threads in the same output line? 我怎样才能确保输出保持行原子性,即不会混淆同一输出行中不同线程的输出?

# run this a few times and you'll see the problem
threads = []    
10.times do  
  threads << Thread.new do        
    puts "hello" * 40
threads.each {|t| t.join}

puts has a race condition, since it may write the new-line separately from the line. puts有一个竞争条件,因为它可以单独写一行换行。 You may see this sort of noise using puts in a multi-threaded application: 您可以在多线程应用程序中使用puts来看到这种噪音:

thread 0thread 1
thread 0thread 2
thread 1
thread 0thread 3
thread 2
thread 1

Instead, use print or printf 相反,使用print或printf

print "thread #{i}" + "\n"
print "thread #{i}\n"
printf "thread %d\n", i

Or, since you want to write to STDERR: 或者,因为您要写入STDERR:

$stderr.print "thread #{i}\n"

Is it a bug in Ruby? 这是Ruby中的错误吗? Not if the comments are to be taken as the standard. 如果要将评论作为标准,则不是。 Here's the definition of IO.puts from MRI 1.8.7 though 2.2.2: 这是从MRI 1.8.7到2.2.2的IO.puts的定义:

 *  call-seq:
 *     ios.puts(obj, ...)    => nil
 *  Writes the given objects to <em>ios</em> as with
 *  <code>IO#print</code>. Writes a record separator (typically a
 *  newline) after any that do not already end with a newline sequence.
 *  If called with an array argument, writes each element on a new line.
 *  If called without arguments, outputs a single record separator.
 *     $stdout.puts("this", "is", "a", "test")
 *  <em>produces:</em>
 *     this
 *     is
 *     a
 *     test

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