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Google App Engine:如何判断用户价值的排序位置?

[英]Google App Engine: how to tell sort location for a user value?

In my Main model I have a total_value and I sort with this value. 在我的Main模型中,我有一个total_value ,并以此值排序。 When a user enters a value I wish to tell the user the order of his total_value . 当用户输入值时,我希望告诉用户其total_value的顺序。 How do I do this? 我该怎么做呢?

In other words, if total_value s in database are 5,8,10,25 and a user enters a total_value of 15 how do I tell him that he will be in the 4th place? 换句话说,如果数据库中的total_value是5、8、10、25并且用户输入的total_value为15,我如何告诉他他将排在第四位?

Thanks! 谢谢!

You need to write a query which counts the number of values smaller than the user's total_value . 您需要编写一个查询,该查询计算的值的数量小于用户的total_value This may be slow if there are many Main entities. 如果有很多Main实体,这可能会很慢。 In that case, you may wish to only count the first N values smaller, and then stop (eg, tell the user they are ranked 1000+). 在这种情况下,您可能希望仅将前N值计数较小,然后停止(例如,告诉用户它们的排名为1000+)。 Your query might look like this: 您的查询可能如下所示:

# get the rank of total_value compared to existing total_values (up to 1,000)
rank = Main.all().filter('total_value <', total_value).count(1000) + 1

The count-based solutions David and Rahul propose will only work efficiently for small numbers of entities. David和Rahul提出的基于计数的解决方案仅对少数实体有效。 If you want to determine position inside a large list, you want something like the ranklist project. 如果要确定大列表中的位置,则需要诸如Ranklist项目之类的东西。

You could get the count of number of entities that have total_value less than or equal to the current users total_value . 您可以获取total_value小于或等于当前用户total_value的实体数。

You could use the count() method to do so (on a Query object). 您可以使用count()方法(在Query对象上)执行此操作。

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