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在具有Java EE 5规范的Websphere应用程序服务器6.1上部署NetBeans 6.9 Java Web应用程序

[英]Deploying a netbeans 6.9 java web application on websphere application server 6.1 with Java EE 5 specification

I have developed a Java web application in netbeans 6.9 with Java EE 5 specifications .The .war file of the project in "dist" folder is converted to .ear file. 我已经在netbeans 6.9中使用Java EE 5规范开发了一个Java Web应用程序 。“ dist”文件夹中项目的.war文件转换为.ear文件。 I tried to deploy either .war file or .ear file on websphere application server 6.1 but i am getting an exception that either .ear file may be corrupted or incomplete or DeploymentDescriptionException . 我试图在Websphere应用程序服务器6.1上部署.war文件或.ear文件,但出现一个异常,即.ear文件可能已损坏或不完整,或者是DeploymentDescriptionException Help me in this matter. 在这件事上帮我。

And does netbeans 6.9 have any plugin for WebSphere Application Server 6.1 0r 7 , as netbeans 6.9 doesn't show websphere application server in the servers list. 而且netbeans 6.9是否具有WebSphere Application Server 6.1 0r 7的任何插件 ,因为netbeans 6.9在服务器列表中未显示Websphere应用程序服务器。


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