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[英]jQuery Pattern - is this valid or is there a better way?

I've sort if fell into this organization of javascript and was wondering if I'm missing the point somewhere here, or if there's a more elegant way of doing this. 我已经整理了一下是否属于这种javascript组织,并且想知道我是否在此处遗漏了这个要点,或者是否有更优雅的方法来做到这一点。

Basically I'm wrapping everything in a function (object) and then setting up methods on that object, then instantiating an instance of the wrapper object and passing in any options and dependencies. 基本上,我将所有内容包装在一个函数(对象)中,然后在该对象上设置方法,然后实例化包装对象的实例并传入任何选项和依赖项。

I have a hunch there's a way to automatically run .init() and a few other tweaks that could be made. 我有一种预感,有一种方法可以自动运行.init()以及可以进行的其他一些调整。 Am I doing it right? 我做对了吗?

function AppModuleCore(){

    var AppModuleCore = this; //keep internals sane

    // Various global vars, objects
    AppModuleCore.defaultOptions = {};

    AppModuleCore.init = function(opts) {

        // todo: that thing where you extend an options object a la juery



    AppModuleCore.bindEvents = function() {

        // bind events here, send to functions within AppModuleCore.<FUNCTIONNAME>();

        // Example:




    AppModuleCore.handleClickerClick = function(event){

        alert("clicker was clicked");



// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// instantiate AppModuleCore object and initialize with opts, 
// dependency injection
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
    AppModuleCore = new AppModuleCore;

    var options = {};


OK, some points 好,几点
Having your code wrapped in a constructor only really makes sense if 只有将代码包装在构造函数中才有意义

  1. You're going to instantiate more than one 您将实例化多个
  2. You have "public" methods on the object that you are going to call 您要调用的对象上具有“公共”方法

Your code doesn't exhibit these characteristics. 您的代码不具备这些特征。 I say this because your jQuery selectors a#clicker are hard coded so I'm assuming that you wouldn't want to bind the same events to them more than once? 我说这是因为您的jQuery选择器a#clicker是硬编码的,所以我假设您不想将相同的事件多次绑定到它们?

You'd be better off using a function (perhaps your init) or an object literal to limit your scope.. 您最好使用一个函数(也许是您的init)或一个对象常量来限制您的范围。

function init( options ) {

    var defaultsOptions = {};    
    var privateVar = 'only in this scope';

    //extend your default options with options here
    //using jquery
    options = $.extend( defaultOptions, options );

    // this function is completely private to this scope
    function privatefunction() {
        //do stuff

    function handleClickerClick( event ){
        alert("clicker was clicked");

    // you don't need to wrap your handler in an anonymous function unless
    // you're doing some work to the event before forwarding:- just give a 
    // reference to your handler
    // the handler has access to other members of this scope, we're in a closure
    $(options.selector).click( handleClickerClick );



init( {selector: 'a#clicker'} );

On a stylistic note: when you alias this with the same name as the constructor and then add methods to the alias, it looks at first glance like you are adding static methods to the constructor. 关于风格注:当别名this具有相同名称的构造函数,然后添加方法的别名,它乍看上去像要添加静态方法来构造。 This may be confusing to someone who looks at your code later and doesn't notice the alias. 这可能会使以后查看您的代码却没有注意到别名的人感到困惑。

function C() {

    // a static method i.e a property of the constructor, C not objects created with it
    // it is a bit wierd that it is defined in the constructor but not unheard of
    C.staticMethod = function(){};

    //quite plainly a method of objects of this type, easy to understand
    this.method = function(){};


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