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[英]How to fill a Combo Box on C# with the namefiles from a Dir?

I hope you can help me with this problem. 我希望你能帮我解决这个问题。

I've been trying to fill a combobox with the namefiles of a specific directory. 我一直在尝试使用特定目录的名称文件填充组合框。 This DIR will be always the same so it will be the same routine always. 这个DIR将始终相同,因此它将始终是相同的例程。

Any ideas? 有任何想法吗?

Cheers! 干杯!

string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(@"c:\MyDir\", "*.txt");
foreach (string file in filePaths)

When you initialize do this: 初始化时执行以下操作:

    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string[] files = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Testing");


Or if you are using WPF 或者如果您使用的是WPF

    <ComboBox x:Name="DirectoriesComboBox" Width="100" Height="25"></ComboBox>

string [] array = Directory.GetFiles(@"C:\Test");
DirectoriesComboBox.ItemsSource = array;

You can do so by adding a reference to system.IO and using this code: (DDLFolder is you dropdown list, and if you are writing an ASP.Net application for getting the path use Server.Mappath("~/yourpath")) 您可以通过添加对system.IO的引用并使用以下代码来执行此操作:( DDLFolder是您的下拉列表,如果您正在编写ASP.Net应用程序以获取路径,请使用Server.Mappath(“〜/ yourpath”))

DirectoryInfo df = new DirectoryInfo(userFolderPath);
foreach (DirectoryInfo d in df.GetDirectories())

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