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[英]how to access files in phone or SD card memory

hello guys i need small help in understanding file system of android 你好,我需要帮助了解android的文件系统

Now in windows for example we create files using paths like "c:/mytextfile.txt" or "c:/folder/mytextfile.txt" .Now how can i access files and folders in android i mean whats the path like. 现在在Windows中,我们使用"c:/mytextfile.txt""c:/folder/mytextfile.txt"类的路径创建文件。现在我如何访问android中的文件和文件夹,这意味着路径是什么样的。

Does the phone support file browser instead of relying on third party apps?? 手机是否支持文件浏览器而不是依赖第三方应用程序?

Android does not have a native file browser, but there are numerous third-party ones (Astro comes to mind). Android没有原生文件浏览器,但有许多第三方浏览器(Astro浮现在脑海中)。 The filesystem of Android is that of Linux; Android的文件系统是Linux的文件系统; the path separator is / and the FS grows from a single root called /. 路径分隔符是/并且FS从名为/的单个根增长。 So, you have your app packages under /data/apps, and so forth. 因此,您的应用程序包位于/ data / apps下,依此类推。 Unless the phone is jailbroken ("rooted"), you won't get to see the whole filesystem - permissions get in the way. 除非手机被越狱(“rooted”),否则你将无法看到整个文件系统 - 权限会受到阻碍。 This applies to all Android applications, they are sandboxed - that is, they don't get access the whole filesystem. 这适用于所有Android应用程序,它们是沙盒 - 也就是说,它们无法访问整个文件系统。 There are API calls to get the path to the current application's sandbox directory. 有API调用来获取当前应用程序的沙箱目录的路径。

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