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[英]How to make window absolute topmost?

I use the SetWindowPos api to make my window topmost with the HWND_TOPMOST param. 我使用SetWindowPos api使我的窗口位于HWND_TOPMOST参数的最顶层。 It works fine, but still tooltips are on top of it. 它工作正常,但仍然是工具提示。


How to make my window on top of all. 如何让我的窗口成为最重要的。 Is there an api that I'm missing? 我错过了api吗?

Edit: I fixed it with a timer checking the foreground window and then setting mine to topmost. 编辑:我用一个计时器修复它,检查前景窗口,然后将我的设置为最顶层。

There is no way to do that, as noted in the Old New Thing blog . 正如Old New Thing博客所述,没有办法做到这一点。 TopMost is TopMost. TopMost是TopMost。 If two windows are competing one must loose. 如果两个窗口竞争,必须松开。 There is no secret MoreTopMost constant. 没有秘密的MoreTopMost常量。

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