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Perl在这里 - 文件不起作用

[英]Perl here-document not working

I've been trying to use Here-documents but it's not working. 我一直在尝试使用Here-documents但它不起作用。 What might be wrong? 可能有什么问题? Am I missing something obvious? 我错过了一些明显的东西吗

This is the entire contents of the file I'm trying to run (there are no spaces, or tabs anywhere): 这是我正在尝试运行的文件的全部内容(在任何地方都没有空格或标签):


I'm running it by saving it in notepad or notepad++ as a file called 3.pl 我通过将它保存在记事本或记事本++中作为名为3.pl的文件来运行它
then by going into the DOS window under Windows 7 and typing: perl 3.pl I get this message: 然后进入Windows 7下的DOS窗口并键入: perl 3.pl我收到此消息:

Can't find string terminator "EOF" anywhere before EOF at 3.pl line 1. 在3.pl第1行的EOF之前的任何地方都找不到字符串终止符“EOF”。

Make sure your file has an empty line at the end. 确保您的文件末尾有一个空行。 This should be four lines: 这应该是四行:

#or a comment here works too ;)

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