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在Liferay门户网站上使用Alfresco和Jackrabbit CMS的比较

[英]Comparison of using Alfresco and Jackrabbit CMS on Liferay portal

I'd like to know your thoughts about using these two CMS on Liferay. 我想知道你在Liferay上使用这两个CMS的想法。 I know, that jackrabbit is rather a framework and reference JCR implementation. 我知道,jackrabbit是一个框架和参考JCR实现。 I'm more interested in the situation, when you have Liferay portlet and you need a CMS repository other then the liferay Document Library, because you need more features. 我对这种情况更感兴趣,当你有Liferay portlet并且你需要一个CMS存储库而不是liferay文档库,因为你需要更多的功能。

What I am concerned about: 我关心的是:

  • Level of Metadata Extraction from various document formats ( I see that both are using Apache tika parsers) 各种文档格式的元数据提取级别(我看到两者都使用Apache tika解析器)

  • Level of Content Transformation - for instance dealing with not quite valid PDFs (OCR) 内容转换级别 - 例如处理不太有效的PDF(OCR)

  • How easily can developer extend functionality (for instance implementing various actions on document processing) 开发人员可以轻松扩展功能(例如,对文档处理实施各种操作)

It takes a lot of time to try both of them, I have to decide on one and stick with it. 尝试这两者需要花费大量的时间,我必须决定一个并坚持下去。

Thank you 谢谢

I never did anything serious with Jackrabbit, but did quite a lot of projects with Alfresco. 我从来没有对Jackrabbit做过任何严肃的事,但是他和Alfresco做了很多项目。

Since there's an ongoing joint effort between Alfresco and Liferay in order to provide a solid and validated integration, Alfresco should at least minimize the integration efforts between the two applications, and possibly have a good starting point for your project. 由于Alfresco和Liferay之间正在进行共同努力以提供可靠且经过验证的集成,因此Alfresco至少应该最大限度地减少两个应用程序之间的集成工作,并且可能为您的项目提供良好的起点。

From the functional point of view, the following apply to Alfresco: 从功能的角度来看,以下内容适用于Alfresco:

  • as you noted, Alfresco makes use of Tika for metadata extraction. 如你所知,Alfresco利用Tika进行元数据提取。 By default a number of document types are supported , and adding your own custom metadata extractor is quite easy and well documented. 默认情况下, 支持许多文档类型,添加自己的自定义元数据提取程序非常简单且文档齐全。

  • Alfresco will make use of Tika for transformations when project Swift (an upcoming version) will be released. 项目Swift (即将推出的版本)发布时 Alfresco 将利用Tika进行转换。 As per now, tools like pdfbox and OpenOffice are sitting behind content transformations , which provide good reliability for the average case. 目前,像pdfbox和OpenOffice这样的工具正在进行内容转换 ,这为普通案例提供了良好的可靠性。

  • offering extension points for the repository is something Alfresco is quite good at: you can hook you code upon events on specific content types , configure rules on folders that get triggered upon creation/update/delete of their inner content and so on Alfresco非常擅长为存储库提供扩展点:您可以在特定内容类型的事件上挂钩代码,配置在创建/更新/删除其内部内容时触发的文件夹规则等等

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