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[英]prototype observers not firing in IE8

I can't work out what's causing IE8 to ignore these observers. 我无法弄清楚是什么原因导致IE8忽略了这些观察者。 It works in FF, Chrome (10) and Safari. 它适用于FF,Chrome(10)和Safari。 It never hits the breakpoints set in IE8 Developer Tools. 它永远不会达到IE8开发人员工具中设置的断点。

<script type="text/javascript">
    var timeoutHolder = null;
    function displayZoom(id){
        window.clearTimeout(timeoutHolder);  //if we are coming from another hover target, prevent the opacity reset
            new Effect.Opacity('mini-main',{from:1.0,to:0.4,duration:0.5});
        new Effect.Appear(id,{duration:0.3});
    function resetZoom(id){
        timeoutHolder = window.setTimeout(function(){
            new Effect.Opacity('mini-main',{from:0.4,to:1.0,duration:0.5});
        }, 100);    //gives us 100 ms for user to move onto another target before we reset the opacity
        new Effect.Fade(id,{duration:0.5});

the associated phtml is: 关联的phtml是:

        <img src="<?php echo Mage::getBaseUrl('media').'Main.jpg'?>" id="mini-main"/>
            <div id="mini-target-1" class="mini-target"></div>
            <div id="mini-target-2" class="mini-target"></div>
            <div id="mini-target-3" class="mini-target"></div>
            <div id="mini-target-4" class="mini-target"></div>

            <div id="mini-target-1-hover" class="mini-hover" style="display:none">
                <img src="<?php echo Mage::getBaseUrl('media').'mini-rollover-1.png'?>"/>
            <div id="mini-target-2-hover" class="mini-hover" style="display:none">
                <img src="<?php echo Mage::getBaseUrl('media').'mini-rollover-2.png'?>"/>
            <div id="mini-target-3-hover" class="mini-hover" style="display:none">
                <img src="<?php echo Mage::getBaseUrl('media').'mini-rollover-3.png'?>"/>
            <div id="mini-target-4-hover" class="mini-hover" style="display:none">
                <img src="<?php echo Mage::getBaseUrl('media').'mini-rollover-4.png'?>"/>

I've also tried attaching the observers individually (without the each ) but that doesn't make any difference: 我也试着分别安装每个观察员(不包括each ),但没有任何区别:


Thanks, 谢谢,
JD 京东

Hackiest of hacks. 最骇人听闻的骇客。 It works if you set a background on the mini-target divs. 如果您在mini-target div上设置了背景,则可以使用。 I ended up using a conditional setStyle for IE to display a spacer gif. 我最终使用IE的条件setStyle来显示spacer gif。 1998 browser hacks FTW!!! 1998年浏览器入侵FTW !!!

     target_div.setStyle({background: 'url("<?php echo Mage::getBaseUrl('media').'spacer.gif'?>")'});

If anyone can explain why IE needs a background to fire an Observer, I'd be happy to accept their answer... Probably something to do with hasLayout? 如果有人可以解释为什么IE需要背景才能触发Observer,我很乐意接受他们的回答……可能与hasLayout有关吗?

I've had a case before where set of ID names caused Javascript issues in IE. 我曾经遇到过一组ID名称导致IE中的Javascript问题的情况。

The scheme consisted of numbers immediately after a hyphen - . 该方案由连字符-后面的数字组成。

Try removing the hyphen before the number. 尝试删除数字前的连字符。 Change mini-target-1 to mini-target1 ? mini-target-1更改为mini-target1吗?

I had this issue, when observe wasn't firing on a hidden element. observe不是针对隐藏元素触发时,我遇到了这个问题。 All I had to do to make it work was to make that element display:block; 我要做的就是使该元素display:block; before using observe . 使用前先observe

If your element is initially set to display:none; 如果您的元素最初设置为display:none; , then when you change the background image, IE8 (and below) might be changing the css display property to block automatically. ,那么当您更改背景图片时,IE8(及更低版本)可能会将css display属性更改为自动block

What if you change the way you're doing it so it's like: 如果您更改操作方式,例如:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('.mini-target').mouseover(function () {
        displayZoom($(this).attr("id") + '-hover');
    }).mouseout(function () {
        resetZoom($(this).attr("id") + '-hover');

You're still referencing each "mini-target" as you mouseover it and we chain the mouseout to the end of it. 当您将鼠标悬停在每个“迷你目标”上时,您仍在引用它们,我们将鼠标链接到其末尾。

That will run in IE8. 它将在IE8中运行。

Cheers, Al 欢呼声

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