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[英]PHPTAL -Trying to get property of non-object while using macros

I am using PHPTAL 1.2.2 Template page is template.tpl 我正在使用PHPTAL 1.2.2模板页面是template.tpl

        <div tal:repeat="field fields">
                <tal:block tal:define="name repeat/field/key" metal:use-macro="${field/type}" />

<tal:block metal:define-macro="text">
        <label>${field/label}</label><input name="${name}" type="text" value="${field/value}" />

<tal:block metal:define-macro="select">
        <label>${field/label}</label><select name="${name}">
                <tal:block tal:repeat="value field/valuelist">
                        <option tal:condition="php:field.value != value" value="${value}">${value}</option>


And my php page is 而我的PHP页面是

  require_once 'PHPTAL.php';

  $fields = array(
    'name'   => array('label'=>'Name','type'=>'text','value'=>'Test User'),
    'user'   => array('label'=>'Age','type'=>'select','valuelist'=>array(1,2,3),'value'=>2) ,

   $t = new PHPTAL('tempalte.tpl');
   $t->fields = $fields;
 try {
        echo $t->execute();
    catch (Exception $e){
        echo $e;


I was getting an error in ie as "Trying to get property of non-object in C:\\Windows\\Temp\\tpl_4d6be820_formonline1__HAfMCyjTSQl6RgUTRjXcHA.php on line 24" 我在“正在尝试在第24行上获取C:\\ Windows \\ Temp \\ tpl_4d6be820_formonline1__HAfMCyjTSQl6RgUTRjXcHA.php中非对象的属性”的错误中

But in firefox and chrome it works fine but i view source there was lot of html code in it other than that tag. 但是在firefox和chrome中,它可以正常工作,但是我查看源代码,除了那个标记外,还有很多html代码。

This also happened to me when I concatenated a string to my echo statement. 当我将字符串连接到echo语句时,这也发生在我身上。 The variable is assigned. 变量已分配。

   if($des != NULL)
            echo '<p><a href="javascript:rightgroupnav()">'.$des->name.'</a></p>';

This line works in Chrome and Firefox. 该行适用于Chrome和Firefox。 But not Internet Explorer. 但不是Internet Explorer。 I tried also to teste it in this way 我也尝试用这种方式来证明


This works, and I hope you can find it helpful. 这行得通,希望对您有所帮助。 Does anyone know why they seem to parse data differently? 有谁知道为什么他们似乎以不同的方式解析数据?

Such PHP errors only happen inside php: prefixed expression, so it's probably about php:field.value . 此类PHP错误仅在php:前缀表达式内发生,因此可能与php:field.value See if field is an object. 查看field是否为对象。 If it's an array, then you need php:field['value'] . 如果是数组,则需要php:field['value'] If it can be NULL, then you need to check for that. 如果可以为NULL,则需要检查。

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