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Python Curses 处理窗口(终端)调整大小

[英]Python Curses Handling Window (Terminal) Resize

This is two questions really:这真的是两个问题:

  • how do I resize a curses window, and我如何调整诅咒窗口的大小,以及
  • how do I deal with a terminal resize in curses?我如何处理curses中的终端调整大小?

Is it possible to know when a window has changed size?是否有可能知道窗口何时改变了大小?

I really can't find any good doc, not even covered on http://docs.python.org/library/curses.html我真的找不到任何好的文档,甚至没有涵盖在http://docs.python.org/library/curses.html

Terminal resize event will result in the curses.KEY_RESIZE key code.终端调整大小事件将导致curses.KEY_RESIZE键代码。 Therefore you can handle terminal resize as part of a standard main loop in a curses program, waiting for input with getch .因此,您可以在 Curses 程序中将终端调整大小作为标准主循环的一部分处理,等待getch输入。

I got my python program to re-size the terminal by doing a couple of things.我让我的 python 程序通过做几件事来重新调整终端的大小。

# Initialize the screen
import curses

screen = curses.initscr()

# Check if screen was re-sized (True or False)
resize = curses.is_term_resized(y, x)

# Action in loop if resize is True:
if resize is True:
    y, x = screen.getmaxyx()
    curses.resizeterm(y, x)

As I'm writing my program I can see the usefulness of putting my screen into it's own class with all of these functions defined so all I have to do is call Screen.resize() and it would take care of the rest.在我编写程序时,我可以看到将我的屏幕放入它自己的类并定义所有这些函数的用处,所以我所要做的就是调用Screen.resize()并且它会处理其余的事情。

I use the code from here .我使用这里的代码。

In my curses-script I don't use getch(), so I can't react to KEY_RESIZE .在我的 curses 脚本中,我不使用 getch(),所以我无法对KEY_RESIZE做出反应。

Therefore the script reacts to SIGWINCH and within the handler re-inits the curses library.因此,脚本对SIGWINCH做出反应,并在处理程序中重新初始化 curses 库。 That means of course, you'll have to redraw everything, but I could not find a better solution.这当然意味着您必须重新绘制所有内容,但我找不到更好的解决方案。

Some example code:一些示例代码:

from curses import initscr, endwin
from signal import signal, SIGWINCH
from time import sleep

stdscr = initscr()

def redraw_stdscreen():
    rows, cols = stdscr.getmaxyx()
    stdscr.hline(2, 1, '_', cols-2)

def resize_handler(signum, frame):
    endwin()  # This could lead to crashes according to below comment

signal(SIGWINCH, resize_handler)



    while 1:
        # print stuff with curses
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
except Exception as e:


This worked for me when using curses.wrapper() :这在使用curses.wrapper()时对我有用

if stdscr.getch() == curses.KEY_RESIZE:

It isn't right.这是不对的。 It's an ncurses-only extension.这是一个ncurses-only扩展。 The question asked about curses .这个问题是关于curses To do this in a standards-conforming way you need to trap SIGWINCH yourself and arrange for the screen to be redrawn.要以符合标准的方式执行此操作,您需要自己捕获SIGWINCH并安排重新绘制屏幕。

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