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[英]From a batch file how can I check if a program is installed?

I'm writing a batch script that needs to install Microsoft Lync if the user does not already have it installed. 我正在编写一个批处理脚本,如果用户尚未安装它,则需要安装Microsoft Lync。 Then, it will install my custom Lync UI after that. 然后,它将在那之后安装我的自定义Lync UI。 What is the best way to check if Lync is installed considering: 考虑以下因素,检查Lync是否已安装的最佳方法是什么?

  1. This will run at user logon and should be fast 这将在用户登录时运行,并且应该很快
  2. The user could be using a 32bit or 64bit Windows (XP or 7) 用户可能使用的是32位或64位Windows(XP或7)


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