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[英]Unable to create a 404 page in Grails

My mappings look like 我的映射看起来像

static mappings = {
    "/"      (controller : "welcome",    action : "index")
    "/about" (controller : "welcome",    action : "about")
    "404"    (controller : "welcome",    action : "notFound")

This doesn't seem to catch 404 requests as I still get the default Tomcat 404 page. 这似乎没有捕获404请求,因为我仍然获得默认的Tomcat 404页面。 I have also tried the closure based method (below) with no success. 我也试过基于闭包的方法 (下面)没有成功。

    "404" {
        controller = "welcome"
        action = "notFound"

Versions: 版本:

versions: {
app.version: "0.1"
app.servlet.version: "2.4"
app.grails.version: "1.3.5"
plugins.tomcat: "1.3.5"
plugins.hibernate: "1.3.5"


"404"(controller : "welcome",    action : "notFound")

What version of Grails are you running? 你在运行什么版本的Grails?

Also, what does your controller action look like? 另外,你的控制器动作是什么样的? This person seems to have resolved the issue by using a redirect in their controller instead of a render: 此人似乎已通过在其控制器中使用重定向而不是渲染来解决此问题:

Problems with Grails 404 UrlMapping Grails 404 UrlMapping的问题

def notFound = {

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