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[英]How to pass credentials to httpwebrequest for accessing SharePoint Library

I'm trying to read files from a SharePoint document library using HttpWebRequest . 我正在尝试使用HttpWebRequest从SharePoint文档库中读取文件。 In order to do that I have to pass some credentials. 为了做到这一点,我必须传递一些凭据。 I'm using the below request: 我正在使用以下请求:

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(url);
request.Method = "GET";
request.ContentType = "application/msexcel";
request.UserAgent = "Mozilla/4.0+(compatible;+MSIE+5.01;+Windows+NT+5.0";
request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(UserName, PassWord);

Is this the correct way to pass credentials? 这是传递凭据的正确方法吗?


request.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials; 

If you need to run request as the current user from desktop application use CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials (see on MSDN ). 如果您需要以桌面应用程序中的当前用户身份运行请求,请使用CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials (请参阅MSDN )。

Your code looks fine if you need to run a request from server side code or under a different user. 如果您需要从服务器端代码或其他用户下运行请求,则代码看起来很好。

Please note that you should be careful when storing passwords - consider using the SecureString version of the constructor. 请注意,存储密码时应该小心 - 考虑使用构造函数的SecureString版本。

If you need to set the credentials on the fly, have a look at this source: 如果您需要动态设置凭据,请查看此来源:

http://spc3.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/57957#1015709 http://spc3.codeplex.com/SourceControl/changeset/view/57957#1015709

private ICredentials BuildCredentials(string siteurl, string username, string password, string authtype) {
    NetworkCredential cred;
    if (username.Contains(@"\")) {
        string domain = username.Substring(0, username.IndexOf(@"\"));
        username = username.Substring(username.IndexOf(@"\") + 1);
        cred = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(username, password, domain);
    } else {
        cred = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(username, password);
    CredentialCache cache = new CredentialCache();
    if (authtype.Contains(":")) {
        authtype = authtype.Substring(authtype.IndexOf(":") + 1); //remove the TMG: prefix
    cache.Add(new Uri(siteurl), authtype, cred);
    return cache;

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