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[英]Replace characters in a string with their HTML coding

I need to replace characters in a string with their HTML coding. 我需要用其HTML编码替换字符串中的字符。

Ex. 例如 The "quick" brown fox, jumps over the lazy (dog). 敏捷的棕色狐狸跳过了懒狗)。

I need to replace the quotations with the & quot; 我需要用&替换引号。 and replace the brakets with & #40; 并用( and & #41; 和)

I have tried str_replace, but I can only get 1 character to be replaced. 我已经尝试过str_replace,但是我只能替换1个字符。 Is there a way to replace multiple characters using str_replace? 有没有办法使用str_replace替换多个字符? Or is there a better way to do this? 还是有更好的方法来做到这一点?

Thanks! 谢谢!

I suggest using the function htmlentities() . 我建议使用htmlentities()函数。

Have a look at the Manual . 看看手册

PHP has a number of functions to deal with this sort of thing: PHP具有许多函数来处理这种事情:

Firstly, htmlentities() and htmlspecialchars() . 首先, htmlentities()htmlspecialchars()

But as you already found out, they won't deal with ( and ) characters, because these are not characters that ever need to be rendered as entities in HTML. 但是,正如您已经发现的那样,它们不会处理()字符,因为这些字符不是必须以HTML实体形式呈现的字符。 I guess the question is why you want to convert these specific characters to entities? 我猜问题是为什么您要将这些特定字符转换为实体? I can't really see a good reason for doing it. 我真的看不出这样做的充分理由。

If you really do need to do it, str_replace() will do multiple string replacements, using arrays in both the search and replace paramters: 如果确实需要这样做, str_replace()将使用搜索和替换参数中的数组进行多个字符串替换:

$output = str_replace(array('(',')'), array('&#40','&#41'), $input);

You can also use the strtr() function in a similar way: 您也可以类似的方式使用strtr()函数:

$conversions = array('('=>'(', ')'=>')');
$output = strtr($conversions, $input);

Either of these would do the trick for you. 这些都可以为您解决问题。 Again, I don't know why you'd want to though, because there's nothing special about ( and ) brackets in this context. 同样,我也不知道为什么要这么做,因为在这种情况下, ()括号没有什么特别的。

While you're looking into the above, you might also want to look up get_html_translation_table() , which returns an array of entity conversions as used in htmlentities() or htmlspecialchars() , in a format suitable for use with strtr() . 在研究以上内容时,您可能还需要查找get_html_translation_table() ,它以适合与strtr()一起使用的格式返回htmlentities()htmlspecialchars()使用的实体转换数组。 You could load that array and add the extra characters to it before running the conversion; 您可以在运行转换之前加载该数组并向其中添加额外的字符; this would allow you to convert all normal entity characters as well as the same time. 这将允许您同时转换所有普通实体字符。

I would point out that if you serve your page with the UTF8 character set, you won't need to convert any characters to entities (except for the HTML reserved characters < , > and & ). 我要指出的是,如果为您的页面提供UTF8字符集,则无需将任何字符转换为实体(HTML保留字符<>&除外)。 This may be an alternative solution for you. 这可能是您的替代解决方案。

You also asked in a separate comment about converting line feeds. 您还在另一条评论中询问有关转换换行的信息。 These can be converted with PHP's nl2br() function, but could also be done using str_replace() or strtr() , so could be added to a conversion array with everything else. 这些可以使用PHP的nl2br()函数进行转换,但也可以使用str_replace()strtr()进行转换,因此可以与其他所有内容一起添加到转换数组中。

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