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[英]Error with typedef and function declaration

I don't understand why I it tells I have an invalid function declaration, when I'm just declaring a variable. 我不明白为什么我在声明变量时会告诉我函数声明无效。 Also, I don't get why my typedef did not work. 另外,我不明白为什么我的typedef无法正常工作。

Username@Server 388> g++ -Wall -pthread testHashT.cpp -o testHashT
memHashT.h:22: error: invalid function declaration
memHashT.h: In function âvoid memAccessUpdate(void*, unsigned int, pthread_t, bool)â:
memHashT.h:114: error: cannot convert âmList*â to âlinkedMlist*â in assignment
memHashT.h:119: error: cannot convert âlinkedMlist*â to âmList*â in assignment
memHashT.h:128: error: âcountWSâ was not declared in this scope
memHashT.h:133: error: âcountRAâ was not declared in this scope
Username@Server 389> cat memHashT.h
//Basic hash table for memory addresses, recommended size for program running is table indexed by a prime ~81281

* Structure of table:
* Hash table indexed by memory address
* at each entry a vector made of arrays with size 2 of void pointers
* each vector entry will have the unique memory address and a pointer to a vector
* the vector it points to will contain a list of all threads that accessed that location
* Overall:(currently being changed to HT=>LL=>LL
* Hash Table => Vector => Vector Containing threads that accessed a given memory location

#include <pthread.h>//same as bellow
#include <stdlib.h>//watch out in case actual function contains this
//using namespace std;

//Global var
unsigned int tableSize; //note this is best if it is a prime number
unsigned long long countWA;
unsigned long long countRA:
unsigned long long countWS;
unsigned long long countRS;
//Linked Lists (thread, then mem)
//added all information in T_list to the M list, can be deleted
/*struct linkedT_list {
    int threadID;
    struct linkedT_list * nextT;
typedef struct linkedT_list tList;
tList * currT, * headT;*/

//For memory addresses
struct linkedM_list {
    void * memAddr;

        bool shared;
        pthread_t  prevThread;
        unsigned long long rCounter;
        unsigned long long wCounter;
    //End Details
    struct linkedMlist * nextM;
typedef struct linkedM_list mList;
//mList * currM, * headM;

mList ** hashTable;

//computes the index of the hash table
        //made its own function in case future implementation need to change how indexing is set up
unsigned int getHTIndex (void * arg){
    return (unsigned int) ((unsigned long long)arg%tableSize);
//returns pointer to mList containing information
mList * getHTElement(void * arg){
    mList * tempM;
    //tList * tempT = NULL;
    unsigned int index = getHTIndex(arg);
    tempM = hashTable[index];
    //tempT = tempM->threadList;
    return tempM;
//remove a element

void removeHTElement(void * memArg){
    //note no garbage collection yet

//returns the number of threads to access a memery location
int tLength(void * arg){
    return -1;
//Create the hash table
int createHashTable(unsigned int num) {
    tableSize =  num;
    hashTable = (mList **) malloc(sizeof(mList) * tableSize);
   if (hashTable == NULL)
        return 0;
        //printf("Error: Memory could not be allocated");
   else {
        unsigned int i;

    return 1;

void destroyHashTable(){

//adds a element to the hash table
void memAccessUpdate(void * memArg, unsigned int thread, pthread_t thread_id,  bool writeAccess){
    mList * headM = getHTElement(memArg);
    mList * currM;
    if (headM == NULL)
    {//then create and new mList
        currM = (mList *)malloc(sizeof(mList));
        //initialize values
        currM->shared = false;
        currM->prevThread = thread_id;
        currM->rCounter = 0;
        currM->wCounter = 0;
        currM->nextM = hashTable[getHTIndex(memArg)];
        hashTable[getHTIndex(memArg)] = currM;
    else {//change details in linked list and global var
        //headM->nextM = (mList *)malloc(sizeof(mList));
        currM = headM->nextM;
        if (thread_id != currM->prevThread){
            currM->shared = true;
            currM->prevThread = thread_id;
        else{//mem read
    //if (stuff) //possibly don't need
   // head = hashTable[index]; //note may be null
   // curr = (mList *)malloc(sizeof(mList));
   // curr->

I'm very confused as to why I'm getting those errors. 我很困惑为什么会收到这些错误。 Any help is appreciated. 任何帮助表示赞赏。 (I know its not good practice to declare functions in a header, but for now I'm just looking to correct my syntax). (我知道在标头中声明函数不是一个好习惯,但是现在我只是想纠正我的语法)。

Got it! 得到它了! It took me a while, what with my eyesight...Look carefully at the last character of line 22 :-) 我花了一段时间,用我的视力……仔细看第22行的最后一个字符:-)

Also, decide whether you want to call it linkedMlist or linkedM_list . 另外,决定是否要将其命名为linkedMlistlinkedM_list (That one wasn't so hard on the eyes.) (那只眼睛并不那么硬。)

struct linkedMlist is not defined or declared, as far as I can see 据我所知,未定义或声明struct linkedMlist

struct linkedM_list {
    void * memAddr;

        bool shared;
        pthread_t  prevThread;
        unsigned long long rCounter;
        unsigned long long wCounter;
    //End Details
    struct linkedMlist * nextM;                // <===== HERE

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