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Facebook C#SDK上载带有标签的照片

[英]Facebook C# SDK Upload Photos with Tagging

How to Tagging a photos using facebook c# sdk. 如何使用Facebook C#SDK标记照片。

This is my code (Upload image): 这是我的代码(上传图片):

    var fbApp = new FacebookClient(Session["xAccessToken"].ToString());
    string xfilename = MergedCombinedImage.ImageUrl;
    xfilename = xfilename.Replace("images/temp/", "");
    var fbUpl = new Facebook.FacebookMediaObject
        FileName = xfilename,
        ContentType = "image/jpg"

    var bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(Server.MapPath(MergedCombinedImage.ImageUrl));
    var photoDetails = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    photoDetails.Add("message", "test"); 
    photoDetails.Add("image", fbUpl); 
    var fbResult = fbApp.Post(@"/" + albumID + @"/photos", photoDetails);
    var result = (IDictionary<string, object>)fbResult;
    var photoID = result["id"];

Thanks 谢谢

pongpang 庞邦

To tag you can do that (a simple exemple): 要标记,您可以这样做(一个简单的例子):

private const string ExtendedPermissions = "user_about_me,user_photos,publish_stream";

[FacebookAuthorize(Permissions = ExtendedPermissions, LoginUrl = "/Home/LogOn?ReturnUrl=~/Home")]
public ActionResult MensagemPost(string message)
    var fb = new FacebookWebClient();
    dynamic me = fb.Get("me");

    string friendId_1 = // get the first one friend id
    string friendId_2 = // get the second one friend id

    var tags = new[] 
        new { tag_uid = friendId_1, x = 20, y = 20 },
        new { tag_uid = friendId_2, x = 40, y = 40 },
        new { tag_uid = (string)me.id, x = 60, y = 60 }

    dynamic parameters = new ExpandoObject();
    parameters.message = message;
    parameters.tags = tags;
    parameters.url = "http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-evheT51sfeM/TlO_wZ8YDqI/AAAAAAAAA8I/fjlg0G8AgMY/s1600/The-best-top-hd-desktop-naruto-shippuden-wallpaper-naruto-shippuden-wallpapers-hd-11.jpg";

    dynamic result = fb.Post("me/photos", parameters);

    return RedirectToAction("Index", new { success = true });

take a look at the facebook developers api reference. 看看Facebook开发人员api参考。 http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/rest/photos.addtag/ http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/rest/photos.addtag/

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