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[英]getting error message related to basicHttpBinding even though I'm using wsHttpBinding

I am trying to expose a WCF service at a wsHttpBinding endpoint and it gives me the following error message : 我试图在wsHttpBinding端点公开WCF服务,它给我以下错误消息:

Contract requires Session, but Binding 'BasicHttpBinding' doesn't support it or isn't configured properly to support it. 合同需要Session,但Binding'BasicHttpBinding'不支持它,或者没有正确配置以支持它。

Here is the interface : 这是界面:

public interface IOrderService
    string GetOrderNumber();

    [OperationContract(IsInitiating = false, IsTerminating = true)]
    void CreateOrder(string orderXML);

Here is my web.config file (the service is hosted in IIS 7 ) : 这是我的web.config文件(该服务托管在IIS 7中):

         <binding name="longTimeoutBinding" 
             receiveTimeout="00:10:00" sendTimeout="00:10:00">
      <service name="eMidWare.OrderService">
                <add baseAddress = "http://localhost/" />
         <!-- Service Endpoints -->
            binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="longTimeoutBinding"
             address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding" contract="IMetadataExchange"/>
            <serviceDebug includeExceptionDetailInFaults="True" />

Hmmm.... check your service contract - it's a IOrderService 嗯....检查你的服务合同 - 这是一个IOrderService

public interface IOrderService

but in your config, you're setting up an endpoint for eMidWare.IPricingDataService 但在您的配置中,您正在为eMidWare.IPricingDataService设置端点

    binding="wsHttpBinding" bindingConfiguration="longTimeoutBinding"

Therefore, I believe, .NET / WCF 4 will kick in a default endpoint, which is of basicHttpBinding for the http:// scheme by default.... 因此,我相信,.NET / WCF 4将启动默认端点,默认情况下为http://方案的basicHttpBinding ....

If you had posted your service interface I could have said with certainty but I believe you have something like this on your service interface: 如果您已经发布了您的服务界面,我可以肯定地说,但我相信您的服务界面上有这样的东西:

 [ServiceContract(SessionMode = SessionMode.Required)]

This would require session and BasicHttpBinding does not support it. 这将需要会话,而BasicHttpBinding不支持它。 You need to use wsHttpBinding if you need to have sessions. 如果需要进行会话,则需要使用wsHttpBinding。


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