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使用IEnumerable <>源填充Dictionary <>

[英]filling a Dictionary<> with an IEnumerable<> source

I have a VS2008 C# .NET 3.5 application where I would like to create a hashtable of objects given an IEnumerable list of those objects. 我有一个VS2008 C#.NET 3.5应用程序,我想在给定这些对象的IEnumerable列表的情况下创建对象的哈希表。

Basically, it looks like this: 基本上,它看起来像这样:

public class MyCollection<T> : IEnumerable<T>
    where T: IMyData, new()
    private IDictionary<int, string> collection_ = new Dictionary<int, string>();

    // ...

    public void Add(T item)
        collection_.Add(item.ID, item.Text);

    public static MyCollection<T> Create(IEnumerable<T> source)
        MyCollection<T> c = new MyCollection<T>();
        foreach(T item in source)
        return c;

This works, but I wonder if there isn't a better way of copying from one IEnumerable source to another. 这有效,但我想知道是否没有更好的方法从一个IEnumerable源复制到另一个。 Any suggestions? 有什么建议?

Thanks, PaulH 谢谢,PaulH

return source.ToDictionary(item => item.ID, item => item.Text);

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