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C#OleDb select查询抛出缺少的运算符异常

[英]C# OleDb select query throws missing operator exception

I'm currently connecting to and working with a MS Access database. 我目前正在连接并使用MS Access数据库。 I can do a generic select * query fine, so I am connected to the db, but when I try to select using parameters it throws a missing operator exception. 我可以做一个通用的select *查询,所以我连接到db,但是当我尝试选择使用参数时,它会抛出一个缺少的运算符异常。

string selectStatement = "Select ID from pages where page_title = ? limit 1";
string title = Request.QueryString["pagetitle"];

OleDbCommand selectCommand = new OleDbCommand(selectStatement, conn);
selectCommand.Parameters["@p1"].Value = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlDecode(title);
OleDbDataReader selectResult = selectCommand.ExecuteReader();

The error I get is on the ExecuteReader line: 我得到的错误是在ExecuteReader行:

Exception Details: System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'page_title = ? limit 1'.

I've tried using @p1 inside the query, as well as the current ?. 我试过在查询中使用@ p1,以及当前的? I've tried adding the parameters different ways, including removing the @ in the parameter name. 我尝试以不同的方式添加参数,包括删除参数名称中的@。 Nothing seems to work. 似乎没什么用。 Can someone point me in the right direction? 有人能指出我正确的方向吗?

AFAIK, there is no LIMIT clause in MS Access. AFAIK,MS Access中没有LIMIT子句。

And, parameters should be named, @p1 in your case, instead of ? 并且,参数应该在您的情况下命名为@p1 ,而不是?

I haven't worked with Access for years, so I might be wrong, but instead of LIMIT , try this: 我多年没有使用Access,所以我可能错了,但不是LIMIT ,试试这个:

Select TOP 1 ID from pages where page_title = @p1

Also, if appropriate, consider this advice: 此外,如果合适,请考虑以下建议:

MS Access isn't quite the right DBMS to handle websites (I suspect in your case it's a website). MS Access不是处理网站的正确DBMS(我怀疑在你的情况下它是一个网站)。 For an alternative file-based database management systems, check SQLite and FirebirdSQL . 对于替代的基于文件的数据库管理系统,请检查SQLiteFirebirdSQL Both have a lot of tools you can use for GUI, like SQLite Maestro, and respectively IBExpert. 两者都有许多可用于GUI的工具,如SQLite Maestro和IBExpert。
Queries are more flexible in those DBMS. 这些DBMS中的查询更灵活。

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