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我应该使用App :: import('Model',…)还是ClassRegistry(…)?

[英]Should I use App::import('Model', …) or ClassRegistry(…)?

Because of other answers ( like this ), I'm just wanting to clarify what should be used in CakePHP 1.3 . 由于有其他答案( 像这样 ),我只是想弄清楚CakePHP 1.3应该使用什么。

Specifically, I have a situation that calls for a Model to depend on another, so from a method in that Model I'd like to load another, do some stuff with the info, etc. 具体来说,我有一种情况需要模型依赖于另一个模型,因此我想从该模型中的方法中加载另一个模型,对信息进行一些处理,等等。

The documentation for the App Class says: App类文档说:

In previous versions there were different functions for loading a needed class based on the type of class you wanted to load. 在以前的版本中,有不同的函数根据您要加载的类的类型来加载所需的类。 These functions have been deprecated, all class and library loading should be done through App::import() now. 这些函数已被弃用,所有类和库的加载现在都应通过App :: import()完成。

I'm assuming this covers the use of ClassRegistry , etc, but I just want to it to be clear, and certain: 我假设这涵盖了ClassRegistry等的使用,但我只是想清楚一点,并确定:

Should I use App::import('Model', ...) to utilize one Model from another, or something else? 我应该使用App::import('Model', ...)来利用另一个模型,还是其他模型? If something else, what? 如果还有别的什么?

It appears that, even two years since 2008, the best method is to use ClassRegistry::init() , despite the cited documentation. 看来,即使自2008年以来的两年,最好的方法还是使用ClassRegistry::init() ,尽管引用了文档。

This is made evident in the actual API/documentation for the specific classes/methods. 在特定类/方法的实际API /文档中,这一点很明显。


Finds classes based on $name or specific file(s) to search. 根据$ name或要搜索的特定文件查找类。 Calling App::import() will not construct any classes contained in the files. 调用App :: import()将不会构造文件中包含的任何类。 It will only find and require() the file. 它将仅查找和require()文件。


Loads a class, registers the object in the registry and returns instance of the object. 加载一个类,在注册表中注册该对象并返回该对象的实例。

Examples Simple Use: Get a Post model instance ClassRegistry::init('Post'); 示例简单使用:获取一个Post模型实例ClassRegistry :: init('Post');。

As you can see, even the API Documentation points out examples of using ClassRegistry to load models, instantiating them for you, as opposed to App::import (which does much less), and despite the changed wording in the CakePHP "Book" documentation. 如您所见,即使CakePHP“ Book”文档中的措辞有所更改,即使API文档也指出了使用ClassRegistry加载模型,为您实例化模型的示例,而不是App::import (这样做要少得多) 。

If you can relate the models then the best way is to Dynamically bind the relations using 如果可以关联模型,那么最好的方法是使用以下方式动态绑定关系

$this->bindModel("hasOne" => array("Model2")) . $this->bindModel("hasOne" => array("Model2"))

If you can't relate the model and you want to use the second model in just one occurrence then you can use 如果您无法关联模型,并且只想一次使用第二个模型,则可以使用


if you want to use it in several occurrence then you must try 如果您想多次使用它,则必须尝试

$this->model2 = & ClassRegistry::init('Model2') 

As of 2.6.x of course it is ClassRegistry::init() still. 从2.6.x开始,它当然仍然是ClassRegistry :: init()。

There is a major difference. 有很大的不同。 App::import will just include/require it. App :: import只会包含/需要它。 On the other hand ClassRegistry::init() will instantiate it and fetch you a fully loaded object of the model. 另一方面, ClassRegistry :: init()将实例化它并为您获取模型的完全加载的对象。

So to say, for example you loaded a model in beforeFilter of your AppController. 可以这么说,例如,您在AppController的beforeFilter中加载了一个模型。 You add some custom properties to it using $this->Model->__something . 您可以使用$ this-> Model-> __ something向其中添加一些自定义属性。 Now you do call ClassRegistry::init('Model') somewhere where you do not have $controller object available, for example, in a behavior. 现在,您确实在没有$ controller对象可用的地方调用ClassRegistry :: init('Model'),例如,在行为中。 The object returned by ClassRegistry::init('Model') will have your custom property $this->Model->__something in tact. 由ClassRegistry :: init('Model')返回的对象将具有自定义属性$ this-> Model- > __ something

Btw, $controller->loadModel() seems the ideal way to load model where you have a $controller object available, for example in your components. 顺便说一句, $ controller-> loadModel()似乎是加载模型的理想方法,例如,在您的组件中有$ controller对象可用的情况下。

$this->loadModel('model name')$this->loadModel('model name') ,除非您需要整个控制器使用,然后只需在模型中定义关系,例如hasone,belongsed ...,然后调用$this->model->model2

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