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[英]How many languages the Wp7 Keyboard support and How to SetUp

I wish to create a translation app for Windows Phone 7. I am not sure how to go about it. 我希望为Windows Phone 7创建一个翻译应用程序。我不确定该怎么做。 Here the questions. 这里的问题。

I like to know when I input text into a TextBox for translation, how do I do it? 我想知道当我在TextBox中输入文本进行翻译时,该怎么做?

1) Say, my Windows phone is Chinese. 1)说,我的Windows手机是中文。 How do I change it to other languages like France, German, Russian and other? 如何将其更改为其他语言,例如法国,德语,俄语和其他语言? I want to type in German to learn. 我想输入德语来学习。

Example : Type in German and translate to Japanese? 范例:输入德文并翻译成日文? How to set my phone for German input ? 如何将手机设置为德语输入?

2) Is language input thru Keyboard defined by the region? 2)是否通过区域定义了通过键盘输入的语言?

Say, if user buy the phone in Europe, the keyboard for input like German,France and other are already setup? 说,如果用户在欧洲购买电话,则已经设置了用于输入的键盘,例如德语,法国等。

textBox inputScope ="Text" This will show all the european languages? textBox inputScope ="Text"这将显示所有欧洲语言?

3) How To detect or find out how many languages that the Windows Phone keyboard can support for input. 3)如何检测或找出Windows Phone键盘可以支持多少种输入语言。

Thanks 谢谢

To answer your questions: 要回答您的问题:

  1. Currently you cannot do this in code - system settings are outside the designated development sandbox. 当前,您无法在代码中执行此操作-系统设置不在指定的开发沙箱中。 The user will be able to switch between keyboard layouts manually as long as those are present on the device. 只要设备上存在键盘布局,用户就可以手动在它们之间切换。

  2. Depending on the region where the phone is sold, the keyboard layouts are preset specifically for the designated zones. 根据手机的销售地区,将为指定区域专门设置键盘布局。 So that would be a yes - the Text InputScope will be active for registered languages. 因此,这将是一个肯定的- 文本 InputScope将是注册的语言活跃。

  3. Currently there is no way you can get a list of available keyboard layouts on your device. 当前,您无法获取设备上可用键盘布局的列表。

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