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[英]Check in - Check out process/version control for PSDs and Image files

The title may not be so clear but the issue I am facing is this: 标题可能不太清楚,但是我面临的问题是:

Are designers are working on large photoshop files across the network, this has a number of network traffic and file corruption issues which I am trying to overcome. 设计人员是否正在处理整个网络上的大型Photoshop文件,这有许多网络流量和文件损坏问题,我正在尝试解决这些问题。

The way I want to do this is to have the designers copy the the files to their machine (Mac OSX) and work on them locally. 我要这样做的方法是让设计人员将文件复制到他们的计算机(Mac OSX)并在本地进行处理。 But the problem then stands that they may forget to copy them back up or that another designer may start work on the version stored on the network. 但是问题在于,他们可能会忘记将其备份,或者另一个设计人员可能会开始处理网络上存储的版本。

What I need is a system where the designer checks out the files or folders from the server which locks those files so no other user can copy them until they are checked back in. We do not need to store revisions for the files. 我需要一个系统,设计人员可以在该系统中从服务器中检出文件或文件夹,从而锁定这些文件,以便其他用户无法将它们复制,直到将其重新检入为止。我们不需要存储文件的修订版。

My initial idea was to use SVN or preferably GIT and force lock on checkout somehow, does this sound feasible or is there a better system? 我最初的想法是使用SVN或最好是GIT并以某种方式强制锁定结帐,这听起来可行还是存在更好的系统?

How big are the files on average? 文件平均多大? Not sure about GIT haven't used it but SVN should be ok - If you did go with SVN I would trial checking out over Http/Https vs Network Path to the repo as you may get a speed advantage out of one or the other. 不确定GIT尚未使用它,但SVN应该可以-如果您确实使用了SVN,我会尝试通过Http / Https vs Network Repo尝试回购,因为您可以从一个或另一个中获得速度优势。 When we vpn to our repo at work it is literally 100 times faster over http than checking out using a network \\\\path to the repo. 当我们在工作中对仓库进行vpn时,与使用网络\\\\路径访问仓库相比,通过http进行读写速度实际上快了100倍。

SVN is a good option, but you will have revisions (this is the whole point of SVN). SVN是一个不错的选择,但是您会进行修订(这是SVN的重点)。 SVN doesn't lock files by default, but you may configure it so that it does. SVN默认情况下不会锁定文件,但是您可以对其进行配置。 See http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn-book.html?bcsi_scan_554E00F99A9AD604=0&bcsi_scan_filename=svn-book.html#svn.advanced.locking 参见http://svnbook.red-bean.com/nightly/en/svn-book.html?bcsi_scan_554E00F99A9AD604=0&bcsi_scan_filename=svn-book.html#svn.advanced.locking

I don't know git very well, but since it's not a centralized VCS, I'm pretty sure it isn't the right tool for your situation. 我不太了解git,但是由于它不是集中式VCS,所以我很确定它不是适合您情况的正确工具。

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