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[英]Java Solution for sharing the user's desktop via RTMP

I'm working on a web project, where a user can share his screen and the output of his sound card with other users. 我正在做一个Web项目,一个用户可以与其他用户共享他的屏幕和声卡的输出。 I've come pretty far with the Adobe LCCS service (http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplatform/services/collaboration.html), but the screen sharing isn't stable enough to transmit a running video from the user's computer - it stops every 2 seconds. 我对Adobe LCCS服务(http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplatform/services/collaboration.html)的使用已经相当不错了,但是屏幕共享的稳定性不足以从用户的屏幕上传输正在运行的视频。计算机-每2秒钟停止一次。

It seems the only other way is to use a Java Applet. 似乎唯一的其他方法是使用Java Applet。 There are several libraries to share the screen. 有几个库可以共享屏幕。 I'm looking for a way to capture the screen contents and stream it via RTMP to a server. 我正在寻找一种捕获屏幕内容并将其通过RTMP流传输到服务器的方法。

我发现了一个Java Applet,它可以按一定的时间间隔捕获定义区域的屏幕快照,将其编码为ScreenVideo编解码器,并将其流式传输到支持RTMP的服务器: http : //code.google.com/p/red5-screenshare /

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