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[英]Rails: Filter sensitive data in JSON parameter from logs

I am running Rails 3 and trying to filter sensitive information out of our logs which are JSON blobs that are passed as post parameters. 我正在运行Rails 3并尝试从我们的日志中过滤敏感信息,这些日志是作为post参数传递的JSON blob。 For example, user creation might take a post param called user with a string value that is a JSON object. 例如,用户创建可能会使用一个名为user的post param,其字符串值是JSON对象。 One of the keys in the JSON object is password and we want to filter this out of our logs. JSON对象中的一个键是password ,我们希望从日志中过滤掉它。 The best way I found to do this was to add a block to our filter_params, like so: 我发现这样做的最好方法是在filter_params中添加一个块,如下所示:

keys_to_filter = ['password', 'password_confirmation']
config.filter_parameters << lambda do |k,v|
  if v.is_a? String
    keys_to_filter.each do |key|
      # Match "key":"<filter_out>", or "key":"<filter_out>"}, allowing for whitespace
      v.sub!(/("\s*#{key}\s*")\s*:\s*"[^,\}]*"\s*([,\}])/, "\\1:\"[FILTERED]\"\\2")

This adds a block to the filter_params, which causes an error which is described in another question: Rails: ParameterFilter::compiled_filter tries to dup symbol 这会向filter_params添加一个块,这会导致另一个问题中描述的错误: Rails:ParameterFilter :: compiled_filter尝试重复符号

It appears that it is not safe to pass a block to filter_parameters, so I'm wondering if there is another way to solve this problem. 将块传递给filter_parameters似乎是不安全的,所以我想知道是否有另一种方法可以解决这个问题。

Why is @Nesbitt's answer downvoted (down below)? 为什么@ Nesbitt的答案被低估了(下面)? Sure, it references code in a test suite, but that test suite is just testing a feature documented in ActionDispatch::Http::FilterParameters: 当然,它引用了测试套件中的代码,但该测试套件只是测试ActionDispatch :: Http :: FilterParameters中记录的功能:

If a block is given, each key and value of the params hash and all subhashes is passed to it, the value or key can be replaced using String#replace or similar method. 如果给出了一个块,则将params散列和所有子散列的每个键和值传递给它,可以使用String#replace或类似方法替换值或键。

See comments in the API docs for Rails 3.x here . 请在此处查看Rails 3.x的API文档中的注释。

I needed to do the same thing: transform a field in a JSON blob that was sent with an HTTP POST to a Rails 3 app. 我需要做同样的事情:将使用HTTP POST发送的JSON blob中的字段转换为Rails 3应用程序。 In my case I just wanted to include a hashed digest of a field, so in config/application.rb: 在我的例子中,我只想包含一个字段的散列摘要,所以在config / application.rb中:

config.filter_parameters += [:password, lambda {|key, value|
  if key.to_s == 'my_key'

There is an example of passing a block to filter_parameters in the Rails test suite : Rails测试套件中有一个将块传递给filter_parameters的示例:

config.filter_parameters += [ :foo, 'bar', lambda { |key, value|
  value = value.reverse if key =~ /baz/

I'm developing a Rails 3 app, and using Backbone.js. 我正在开发一个Rails 3应用程序,并使用Backbone.js。 I'm passing JSON objects when I create or update a record. 我在创建或更新记录时传递JSON对象。 I overrode my Backbone model's toJSON function and hardcoded a password param just to test your issue. 我覆盖了我的Backbone模型的toJSON函数并硬编码密码参数只是为了测试你的问题。 In my case, config.filter_parameters is just [:password], and it filters the password param correctly in the logs. 在我的例子中,config.filter_parameters只是[:password],它在日志中正确过滤密码参数。 At first I tested this in update which submits a PUT request. 起初我在更新中对此进行了测试,提交了PUT请求。 I then tested this in create with a POST request just to check if there's any special bug when submitting a POST. 然后,我在创建时使用POST请求对此进行测试,以检查提交POST时是否存在任何特殊错误。 Password is still filtered correctly. 密码仍然正确过滤。 Am I missing something? 我错过了什么吗?

It looks like config.filter_parameters works correctly without needing to pass a block. 看起来config.filter_parameters正常工作而无需传递块。

I have dealt with the same issue in our application. 我在申请中处理了同样的问题。 I ended up blocking the entire JSON string from logging where there was secure data, and then adding explicit loggers for any information I wanted logged. 我最终阻止整个JSON字符串记录有安全数据的位置,然后为我想记录的任何信息添加显式记录器。

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