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[英]Eclipse Debugging- out of sync Issue

I'm debugging a web app in Eclipse IDE (Helios release Build Id 20100617-1415). 我正在Eclipse IDE(Helios版本Build ID 20100617-1415)中调试Web应用程序。 The app runs on LifeRay-tomcat bundle via Eclipse plugin (running server from within Eclipse). 该应用程序通过Eclipse插件(在Eclipse中运行服务器)在LifeRay-tomcat捆绑软件上运行。 I start LifeRay-tomcat server in Debug mode. 我在调试模式下启动LifeRay-tomcat服务器。 I'm doing hot deployment- copying .class files to webapps//WEB-INF/classes folder. 我正在热部署-将.class文件复制到webapps // WEB-INF / classes文件夹。 I run a windows batch script for copying any changed bytecode to liferay-tomcat directory. 我运行Windows批处理脚本,将任何更改的字节码复制到liferay-tomcat目录。 When the bytecode gets copies, I see a message in debug console saying "may be out of sync" and the moment I refresh the web page and control jumps on the line number, my debugger thread icon changed to red and the warning message now reads "out of sync". 当字节码被复制时,我在调试控制台中看到一条消息,提示“可能不同步”,当我刷新网页并控制跳到行号时,调试器线程图标变为红色,并且现在读取警告消息“不同步”。 Even if I clear all breakpoints, I get this message and new code is no longer debuggable; 即使清除所有断点,我也会收到此消息,并且新代码不再可调试; every time I need to restart the server. 每次需要重新启动服务器时。

Any suggestion on this issue will be appreciated. 关于这个问题的任何建议将不胜感激。

The eclipse framework has a complex workspace management. eclipse框架具有复杂的工作区管理。 You said that are using a script for copying the class, if your script is not a eclipse feature it will breaks the workspace resource, so you will cannot debug. 您说正在使用脚本复制类,如果您的脚本不是eclipse功能,它将破坏工作区资源,因此您将无法调试。

Try to use only eclipse features for doing the debug. 尝试仅使用eclipse功能进行调试。

I've created an Eclipse Java Builder which points to a .bat file to copy the new byte code. 我创建了一个Eclipse Java Builder,它指向.bat文件以复制新的字节码。 So, I guess it's an Eclipse feature. 因此,我想这是Eclipse的功能。 That said, I don't think there's any issue with the script or the way it's used. 就是说,我认为脚本或其使用方式没有任何问题。 Even if I manually copy-paste the changed .class files, I get out of sync issue resulting in restarting the container. 即使我手动复制-粘贴更改后的.class文件,也会出现不同步的问题,从而导致重新启动容器。

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