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Apache,mod _ *,PHP,Perl,Python,Ruby; 向后学习

[英]Apache, mod_*, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby; Learning backwards

I started web development some time ago, but have invested essentially all my time in learning PHP, MySQL/SQLite, (X)HTML/XML (XPath, XQuery, XSL), etc. I went with an out-of-the-box XAMPP install, everything was pretty straightforward, and I could focus my learning on languages. 我前一段时间开始进行Web开发,但是基本上所有的时间都花在学习PHP,MySQL / SQLite,(X)HTML / XML(XPath,XQuery,XSL)等上。我开箱即用XAMPP安装,一切都非常简单,我可以将学习重点放在语言上。

Now, however, I'm looking to learn Ruby and Python (and more Perl) but to my dismay, have discovered that I know essentially nothing about Apache configuration, or any related tasks associated with setting up an environment for embedded PHP, Perl, Python and Ruby. 但是,现在我想学习Ruby和Python(以及更多的Perl),但令我沮丧的是,我发现我对Apache配置或与为嵌入式PHP,Perl建立环境相关的任何相关任务一无所知。 Python和Ruby。

I posted recently a question that I thought would take me in the correct direction. 我最近发布了一个问题 ,我认为它将带我正确的方向。 Having read the mod_wsgi and mod_rails docs, I'm more confused than I was to start. 阅读了mod_wsgimod_rails文档之后,我比开始时更加困惑。

I'm running Windows 7 x64 with an existing XAMPP installation, just grabbed Ruby and Python, just installed NetBeans; 我正在使用现有的XAMPP安装运行Windows 7 x64,只是抓住了Ruby和Python,才安装了NetBeans。 and I'm wondering: 我想知道:

  • Should I start with a fresh Apache install, or is XAMPP fine to pile additional modules on? 我应该重新安装Apache,还是XAMPP可以在其上堆放其他模块?

  • Where can I find some information about configuring Apache to support these modules? 在哪里可以找到有关配置Apache以支持这些模块的一些信息? I'm thinking step-by-step to build an environment that supports some of, all of, or more than the aforementioned languages. 我正在一步一步地考虑构建一个环境,以支持部分,全部或更多上述语言。

I suppose my question can be summarized to; 我想我的问题可以概括为: What are some suggested reading/learning resources for configuring an Apache based multi-language web application development environment? 关于配置基于Apache的多语言Web应用程序开发环境的一些建议的阅读/学习资源?

I hope this question isn't regarded with high subjectivity or generality; 我希望这个问题不要被高度主观或笼统地考虑。 I'm just lost and don't want to waste time staring blankly at configuration files or the like. 我只是迷路了,不想浪费时间呆呆地盯着配置文件之类的东西。

I really appreciate any insight, and forgive my noob factor. 我真的很感谢任何见识,并原谅我的菜鸟因素。 I am surprised I am as unfamiliar with this territory as I am, and quickly need to change that. 我很惊讶自己对这个领域不熟悉,因此很快需要改变这一点。

I would recommend the following: 我建议以下内容:

Make your home in the Ubuntu environment within the VM you mentioned 在您提到的VM中的Ubuntu环境中安家

Essentially all of the technologies you mentioned started out in Unix-based systems, and, while the playing field is leveling, there are still significant advantages to developing with these technologies in a Unix-based OS (such as the Ubuntu install you mentioned.) 从本质上讲,您提到的所有技术都是在基于Unix的系统中开始的,并且在公平竞争的同时,在基于Unix的OS中使用这些技术进行开发仍然具有显着的优势(例如您提到的Ubuntu安装)。

Additionally, Ubuntu is very well documented online, has active forums, and has very nice install systems (apt-get, aptitude.) 此外,Ubuntu的在线文档很好,有活跃的论坛,并且安装系统非常好(apt-get,aptitude)。

Learn Nano 学习纳米

You can use other IDE's or text editors, but Nano is really, really easy to use, so you can focus on learning the technologies you're interested in, not a complex text editor such as vim or emacs (which are both fantastic, but learning sessions in and of themselves.) 您可以使用其他IDE或文本编辑器,但是Nano确实非常易于使用,因此您可以专注于学习自己感兴趣的技术,而不是像vim或emacs这样的复杂文本编辑器(两者都很出色,但是自己学习课程。)

Get yourself a cheap cloud server to pound on 让您自己买一台便宜的云服务器

Many companies offer great cloud servers. 许多公司提供出色的云服务器。 The nice thing about this is that you can play with the every aspect of the environment, including the networking capabilities, such as getting a firewall running, etc. 这样做的好处是您可以使用环境的各个方面,包括网络功能,例如运行防火墙等。

For instance, Rackspace Cloud Servers work great and the Wiki pages walk you through a vast number of installs and configurations (I just pointed you to the Ubuntu docs cuz that's what you mentioned already running): 例如,Rackspace Cloud Servers可以很好地工作,并且Wiki页面引导您完成大量的安装和配置(我刚刚向您指出了已经提到的已运行的Ubuntu文档库):

Rackspace Cloud Server Wiki Rackspace云服务器Wiki

Build up your web server from scratch (and keep a log of the build steps, so if something doesn't go well, you could redo things quickly.) 从头开始构建Web服务器(并记录构建步骤的日志,因此,如果出现问题,可以快速重做。)

Start building (and breaking) your next great app 开始构建(并破解)您的下一个出色应用

Start making a cool app using the technology of choice. 开始使用所选技术制作一个很棒的应用程序。 If you want to focus on Ruby next, crank out an ROR app, or even dig down and use RACK to set up you're own baby framework for handling web requests: 如果您接下来要专注于Ruby,则启动一个ROR应用程序,甚至深入研究并使用RACK来设置自己的婴儿框架来处理Web请求:

Rack: a Ruby Webserver Interface 机架:Ruby Web服务器接口

Or, if python is your next learning project, try out Django, or even jump down to CherryPy for a low level web server implementation that helps you see all the moving parts: 或者,如果python是您的下一个学习项目,请尝试使用Django,甚至跳到CherryPy进行低级Web服务器实现,以帮助您查看所有动态部分:

CherryPy 樱桃派

Join the mailing lists of the technologies you're most interested in 加入您最感兴趣的技术的邮件列表

Mailing lists provide great insights into the strengths and weaknesses of technologies. 邮件列表可让您深入了解技术的优势和劣势。 Just joining a list to listen to the daily banter can significantly help your understanding of the technology and the challenges that you'll likely face in the future. 只需加入列表以收听日常取笑,就可以极大地帮助您了解技术以及将来可能遇到的挑战。

These are all things I've done (different language focuses, but same techniques) and they've helped me greatly. 这些都是我所做的事情(不同的语言重点,但是相同的技术),它们对我有很大的帮助。 Hopefully, they help you, too :) Happy coding! 希望他们也对您有所帮助:)祝您编程愉快!

Just an additional info, XAMPP has mod_perl included since version 1.7.2. 仅作为附加信息, XAMPP自1.7.2版以来已包含mod_perl。

To setup this quickly on Windows, already prepared stacks built by BitNami can help: 为了在Windows上快速设置, BitNami已准备好的堆栈可以帮助您:

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