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[英]Java Code generation using wireframes

I want to generate Java Swing Code by processing MS Visio created wireframes. 我想通过处理MS Visio创建的线框来生成Java Swing代码。 Is there any tool which can support this? 有什么工具可以支持这一点吗?

I know a company called Obeo that markets a tool called Acceleo that is specialized into model to text transformations. 我知道一家名为Obeo的公司销售一种名为Acceleo的工具,该工具专门用于模型到文本的转换。

Based upon various Eclipse technologies, it allows one to generate code from DSL / DSL . 基于各种Eclipse技术,它允许人们从DSL / DSL生成代码。

They have a site allowing one to use already existing engines, as an example the cinematic model , which is precisely what you're looking for, I guess. 他们的网站允许人们使用已经存在的引擎,例如电影模型 ,我想这正是您正在寻找的模型

Unfortunatly, to use this tool (and in fact all tools in the generation domain, you'll have to transform your Visio diagram into an XMI one, which is not impossible. 不幸的是,要使用此工具(实际上是生成域中的所有工具,您都必须将Visio图表转换为XMI图表,这并非不可能)。

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