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[英]Adding a SVN repository in Eclipse

I'm trying to add an SVN repository to Eclipse. 我正在尝试向Eclipse添加SVN存储库。

I've installed Subclipse , and it seems to be working fine. 我已经安装了Subclipse ,它似乎工作正常。 But, when I try to "add a new SVN repository", I input this, for example: 但是,当我尝试“添加新的SVN存储库”时,我输入了这个,例如:

http://svn.python.org/projects/peps/trunk http://svn.python.org/projects/peps/trunk

I get this: 我明白了:

Error validating location: "org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: RA layer request failed svn: OPTIONS of ' http://svn.python.org/projects/peps/trunk ': could not connect to server ( http://svn.python.org ) " Keep location anyway? 验证位置时出错:“org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException:RA层请求失败svn:' http ://svn.python.org/projects/peps/trunk'的选项:无法连接到服务器( http:/ /svn.python.org )“保持位置无论如何?

I know that my Eclipse can connect to the Internet, because I downloaded Subclipse earlier (I had to change my proxy settings). 我知道我的Eclipse可以连接到Internet,因为我之前下载了Subclipse(我不得不更改我的代理设置)。

I get a similar message for other SVN locations I've tried to add. 我收到了我试图添加的其他SVN位置的类似消息。

What is the solution? 解决办法是什么?

This is a dead topic, but the solution is to install a client adapter along with Subclipse. 这是一个死的主题,但解决方案是与Subclipse一起安装客户端适配器。

Take a look at this , and install SVN Client Adapter, SVNKit Adapter, and SVNKit Library. 看看这个 ,并安装SVN客户端适配器,SVNKit适配器和SVNKit库。

Then check under Window -> Preference -> Team -> SVN and make sure there is an entry for SVN Interface. 然后在Window - > Preference - > Team - > SVN下查看,确保SVN Interface有一个条目。

And for future reference, if you can connect to the repository through the command line, then it must be a problem with the IDE. 为了将来参考,如果您可以通过命令行连接到存储库,那么它一定是IDE的问题。

它适用于我,在eclipse:Window> Preference> Team> SVN:选择SVNKit(纯Java)而不是JavaHL(JNI)

At my day job I sit behind a corporate firewall protecting and caching web traffic (among other things). 在我的日常工作中,我坐在公司防火墙后面,保护和缓存网络流量(以及其他内容)。 For the most part it stays out of the way. 在大多数情况下,它不会停留。 But sometimes it rears its ugly head and stands firmly in the path of what I am trying to do. 但有时候它会变得丑陋,并坚定地站在我想做的事情的道路上。

Earlier this week I was trying to look at a cool new general validation system for ColdFusion called Validat, put out by the great guys at Alagad. 本周早些时候,我试图看看ColdFusion的一个很酷的新的通用验证系统,名为Validat,由Alagad的伟大人员推出。 They don't have a download on the RIAForge site yet, but the files are available via SVN. 他们还没有在RIAForge网站上下载,但这些文件可以通过SVN获得。 I loaded up the subclipse plugin into my Eclipse, restarted and began adding the Validat SVN repository. 我将subclipse插件加载到Eclipse中,重新启动并开始添加Validat SVN存储库。 I started getting errors abou the "RA layer request failed" and "svn: PROPFIND request failed on /Validat/trunk", followed by an error about not being able to connect to the SVN server. 我开始在“RA层请求失败”和“/ validat / trunk上的svn:PROPFIND请求失败”中出现错误,然后是关于无法连接到SVN服务器的错误。

I already had Eclipse setup with my proxy settings, so I thought I was doing something wrong or Alagad didn't actually have the subversion repository up-and-available. 我已经使用我的代理设置进行了Eclipse设置,所以我认为我做错了或者Alagad实际上并没有使用subversion存储库。 After going home that night, I tried it from home and wa-la it worked. 那天晚上回家后,我在家里试了一下,然后就开始了。 Stupid proxy server! 愚蠢的代理服务器! So the subclipse plugin won't use the Eclipse proxy settings. 所以subclipse插件不会使用Eclipse代理设置。 (Can that be fixed please!). (可以修好吗!)。 After digging around the subclipse help site and being redirected to the collab.net help, then unproductively searching through the eclipse workspace, plugins, and configuration folders for the settings file, I was finally able to figure out how to set up subclipse to use the proxy server. 在挖掘了subclipse帮助站点并被重定向到collab.net帮助之后,然后通过eclipse工作区,插件和配置文件夹进行非生产性搜索,我终于能够弄清楚如何设置subclipse来使用代理服务器。

In my Windows development environment, I opened the following file: C:\\Documents and Settings\\MyUserId\\Application Data\\Subversion\\servers in my favorite text editor. 在我的Windows开发环境中,我在我喜欢的文本编辑器中打开了以下文件:C:\\ Documents and Settings \\ MyUserId \\ Application Data \\ Subversion \\ servers。 Near the bottom of that file is a [global] section with http-proxy-host and http-proxy-port settings. 该文件底部附近是一个[global]部分,其中包含http-proxy-host和http-proxy-port设置。 I uncommented those two lines, modified them for my corporate proxy server, went back to the SVN Repository view in Eclipse, refreshed the Validat repository and Boom! 我取消注释这两行,为我的公司代理服务器修改它们,回到Eclipse中的SVN Repository视图,刷新Validat存储库和Boom! it worked! 有效!

from http://www.mkville.com/blog/index.cfm/2007/11/8/Using-Subclipse-Behind-a-Proxy-Server 来自http://www.mkville.com/blog/index.cfm/2007/11/8/Using-Subclipse-Behind-a-Proxy-Server

When trying to connect to the Collabnet subversion from eclipse I was also getting the same error as 'Peter Hilton' described in his original post. 当试图从eclipse连接到Collabnet subversion时,我也得到了与他原来帖子中描述的'Peter Hilton'相同的错误。 I changed the settings of Active Provided from 'Native' to 'manual' in windows->Preferences->General->Network Connections. 我在Windows-> Preferences-> General-> Network Connections中将Active Provide的设置从'Native'更改为'manual'。 This worked for me. 这对我有用。 I think this was a proxy problem but with my old settints eclipse was connecting to the internet from where i DOWNLOADED THE subversion plugins. 我认为这是一个代理问题但是我的旧安排eclipse正在连接互联网,我下载了颠覆插件。

Try to connect to the repository using command line SVN to see if you get a similar error. 尝试使用命令行SVN连接到存储库,以查看是否收到类似错误。

$ svn checkout http://svn.python.org/projects/peps/trunk

If you keep getting the error, it is probably an issue with your proxy server. 如果您不断收到错误,则可能是您的代理服务器出现问题。 I have found that I can't check out internet based SVN projects at work because the firewall blocks most HTTP commands. 我发现我无法检查基于互联网的SVN项目,因为防火墙会阻止大多数HTTP命令。 It only allows GET, POST and others necessary for browsing. 它只允许GET,POST和浏览所需的其他内容。

I doubt that Subclipse and then SVN can use your Eclipse proxy settings. 我怀疑Subclipse和SVN可以使用你的Eclipse代理设置。 You'll probably need to set the proxy for your SVN program itself. 您可能需要为SVN程序本身设置代理。 Trying to check out the files using SVN from the command line should tell you if that works. 尝试从命令行使用SVN检出文件应告诉您是否有效。

If SVN can't connect either then put the proxy settings in your servers file in your Subversion settings folder (in your home folder). 如果SVN无法连接,请将代理设置放在Subversion设置文件夹(位于主文件夹中)的服务器文件中。

If it can't do it even with the proxy settings set, then your firewall is probably blocking the methods and protocols that Subversion needs to use to download the files. 如果即使设置了代理设置也无法做到,那么您的防火墙可能会阻止Subversion下载文件所需的方法和协议。

It is probably of little help to you, but I enter that URL into Subclipse and the repository adds fine and I can browse and Show History on it. 这对你来说可能没有什么帮助,但是我将这个URL输入Subclipse并且存储库添加正常,我可以在其上浏览和显示历史记录。

Do you perhaps need to configure a proxy? 您是否需要配置代理? You have to configure that in the Subversion runtime configuration area as Subclipse uses the Subversion libraries to connect to the server. 您必须在Subversion运行时配置区域中配置它,因为Subclipse使用Subversion库连接到服务器。

I has the same problem. 我有同样的问题。 McAFee had blocked the eclipse. 麦克菲已经阻止了日食。 solve it in the manager McAFee> Firewall> progamas internet connection to> find the eclipse and allow full access. 在经理迈克菲>防火墙> progamas互联网连接中解决它>找到eclipse并允许完全访问。

regards 问候

I was facing this problem and, as mentioned previously here, I changed the "servers" file under Subversion folder in "C:\\Users\\userid\\AppData\\Roaming\\Subversion". 我遇到了这个问题,如前所述,我更改了“C:\\ Users \\ userid \\ AppData \\ Roaming \\ Subversion”中Subversion文件夹下的“servers”文件。 There, in the file's bottom, there is a [global] section. 在文件的底部,有一个[global]部分。 I removed the comments from 我删除了评论

http-proxy-host HTTP代理主机
http-proxy-port HTTP代理端口
http-proxy-username HTTP代理,用户名
http-proxy-password HTTP代理密码

I set those guys and it worked! 我设置那些家伙,它的工作! :-) :-)

I found this problem when I changed my SVN password. 当我更改SVN密码时,我发现了这个问题。

How to resolve First, remove Subversion folder in {Documents and Settings}{user login}\\Application Data\\Subversion -> It doesn't work 如何解决首先,删除{Documents and Settings} {user login} \\ Application Data \\ Subversion - >它不起作用的Subversion文件夹

After, rename my current user login profile from {Documents and Settings}{user login} to {Documents and Settings}{user login}_bakup and login agian -> It work... 之后,将我当前的用户登录配置文件从{Documents and Settings} {user login}重命名为{Documents and Settings} {user login} _bakup并登录agian - >它工作...

I assumed -> SVN or JavaHL bind authorized user with {user login} or keep it in user profile of window. 我假设 - > SVN或JavaHL使用{user login}绑定授权用户或将其保存在窗口的用户配置文件中。

Do you have any working repositories in this instance of eclipse? 在这个eclipse实例中你有任何工作存储库吗?

I've had problems in the past with the default Subclipse subversion client on Windows, you need to make sure the native subversion client is installed and correctly configured (I've got TortoiseSVN to work in the past) if you want to use the default client adapter. 我在Windows上使用默认的Subclipse subversion客户端遇到了问题,你需要确保安装并正确配置本机subversion客户端(如果你想使用默认设置,我已经让TortoiseSVN工作了)客户端适配器

On a recent install I tried the "beta" drivers (I have Eclipse Ganymede and "SVNKit (Pure Java) SVNKit v1.2.0.4502") that you can optionally install with Subclipse and they worked pretty much straight out of the box, although a colleague found he had to go through a few hoops to make sure Eclipse installed them (and their dependancies) correctly. 在最近的一次安装中,我尝试了“beta”驱动程序(我有Eclipse Ganymede和“SVNKit(纯Java)SVNKit v1.2.0.4502”),你可以选择安装Subclipse,它们开箱即用,虽然开箱即用一位同事发现他必须通过一些箍来确保Eclipse正确安装它们(及其依赖性)。

Here are the packages that appear in "Help" -> "Software Updates" -> "Installed Software": 以下是“帮助” - >“软件更新” - >“已安装软件”中显示的软件包:

Subclipse                  1.4.0
Subversion Client Adapter
SVNKit Client Adapter
SVNKit Library   

These are probably a little out of date now, and the latest version will probably work better, but this is what I can see working right now. 这些可能现在有点过时,最新版本可能会更好,但这是我现在可以看到的工作。

In my case was an access issue. 在我的情况下是一个访问问题。 I needed to change the protocol to svn+ssh instead of http. 我需要将协议更改为svn + ssh而不是http。

For example, instead of http://svn.python.org/projects/peps/trunk 例如,而不是http://svn.python.org/projects/peps/trunk

try svn+ssh://svn.python.org/projects/peps/trunk 尝试svn + ssh://svn.python.org/projects/peps/trunk

You might want to check if the websecurity of vpn client is the issue. 您可能想要检查vpn客户端的websecurity是否是问题。 I uninstalled it and it worked fine..Found the solution here https://superuser.com/questions/471089/svn-connection-not-successful 我卸载它并且工作正常。在这里找到解决方案https://superuser.com/questions/471089/svn-connection-not-successful

I have exactly the same issue with you. 我和你有完全相同的问题。 I have TortoiseSVN installed on my windows, I have also eclipse installed, in the eclipse, I have the subclipse 1.4 installed. 我在我的windows上安装了TortoiseSVN,我也安装了eclipse,在eclipse中,我已经安装了subclipse 1.4。

here is the issue I have proxy settings, I can open the repo through web browser, for some reason, I cannot open a repo through svn. 这里是我有代理设置的问题,我可以通过网页浏览器打开repo,由于某种原因,我无法通过svn打开repo。 I tried to change the proxy following the link below Eclipse Kepler not connecting to internet via proxy . 我尝试在Eclipse Kepler下面的链接通过代理连接到Internet之后更改代理 It doesn't work. 它不起作用。

Finally I found out a solution 最后我发现了一个解决方案

You have to change the proxy setting in TortoiseSVN. 您必须更改TortoiseSVN中的代理设置。 After I enable the proxy setting the same with my browser. 我启用代理设置与浏览器相同后。 The issue is gone. 问题消失了。

here is the link of how to enable proxy setting in TortoiseSVN https://tortoisesvn.net/docs/release/TortoiseSVN_en/tsvn-dug-settings.html Seach "Network Settings" on the page above 这里是如何在TortoiseSVN中启用代理设置的链接https://tortoisesvn.net/docs/release/TortoiseSVN_en/tsvn-dug-settings.html在上面的页面上搜索“网络设置”

在我的情况下,我在尝试从SVN repo签出项目时得到类似的异常,它提示输入用户名和密码,我每次给出错误的用户名,当我给出正确的用户名和密码时,它开始正常工作.. ......这么简单而难以置信的消息......

I saw the same error and solved by switching off the proxy settings in TortoiseSVN that I normally need for commits to the company servers. 我看到了同样的错误,并通过关闭TortoiseSVN中的代理设置解决了我通常需要提交给公司服务器的代理设置。 I installed Subclipse to back up my own non-prime-time stuff to a local repository (using VisualSVN). 我安装了Subclipse来将我自己的非黄金时段的东西备份到本地存储库(使用VisualSVN)。 I use Eclipse Galileo 3.3 and Subclipse 1.6.12. 我使用Eclipse Galileo 3.3和Subclipse 1.6.12。

Necropost, but helpful: I came across this problem with an RA request failed since the files "already existed on the server" but wouldn't sync with my repository. Necropost,但很有帮助:我遇到了这个问题,RA请求失败,因为文件“已经存在于服务器上”但不会与我的存储库同步。 I went to the source on my disk, deleted there, refreshed my Eclipse view, and updated the source. 我去了磁盘上的源代码,删除了它,刷新了我的Eclipse视图,并更新了源代码。 Error gone. 错误消失了。

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