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[英]Cursor rect on top of NSTextView

I have implemented an iOS style NSScrollView by adding a knob subview to the NSScrollView. 我通过向NSScrollView添加旋钮子视图来实现iOS风格的NSScrollView。 The implementation works just fine except for one thing - the cursor change over the knob view. 该实现工作正常,除了一件事-光标在旋钮视图上切换。

I am using NSView s -resetCursorRects method to setup the cursor rectangle. 我正在使用NSView-resetCursorRects方法设置光标矩形。

- (void)resetCursorRects {
  [self addCursorRect:self.knobFrame cursor:[NSCursor pointingHandCursor]];

This works too, but the Cursor is immediately reset to the IBeam style as soon as I cross the cursor rect boundary. 这也可以,但是一旦我越过光标rect边界,Cursor就会立即重置为IBeam样式。

How can I prevent this? 我该如何预防? Has it something to do with the knob view not being opaque? 与旋钮视图不透明有关吗?

UPDATE 0: 更新0:

I also tried to implement it with a normal NSScroller and forcing the scroller to overlay the NSClipView in the scroll view's -tile method, but it seems regardless of what view is placed on top of the NSTextView it always enforces the IBeam cursor type. 我也试图与正常执行它NSScroller并迫使滚轮以覆盖NSClipView在滚动视图-tile方法,但似乎无论是放置在顶部视图什么NSTextView它总是强制执行IBeam游标类型。

UPDATE 1: 更新1:

I found this mailing list entry that suggests overriding the NSTextView s -mouseMoved , but since this is not a satisfying solution for a robust custom NSScrollView implementation its not really an option. 我发现此邮件列表条目建议重写NSTextView s -mouseMoved ,但是由于这对于健壮的自定义NSScrollView实现而言并不是令人满意的解决方案, NSScrollView它并不是一个真正的选择。

Setting up an NSTrackingArea in the NSScroller with the NSTrackingMouseMoved option set and implementing 建立一个NSTrackingAreaNSScrollerNSTrackingMouseMoved选项设置和实施

- (void)mouseMoved:(NSEvent *)theEvent {
  [[NSCursor pointingHandCursor] set];

does the trick. 绝招。

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