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[英]How do I split a git repository(by branch)

I started with a piece of code which got split into two small programs each in a different branch. 我从一段代码开始,该代码被分成两个小程序,每个小程序都在不同的分支中。

They share a lot of similarities but I'd like to split them into 2 repos so I can work on both at the same time in an easier fashion. 它们有很多相似之处,但我想将它们分成2个存储库,这样我就可以同时以更轻松的方式同时处理这两个存储库。 It's annoying to have to commit a change(and get rid of/commit unimortant changes (such as gitignore and makefile flags) before switching context before switching. 在切换上下文之前必须先提交更改(并摆脱/提交唯一的更改(例如gitignore和makefile标志)),这很烦人。

It's a pretty simple linear one person history except for that early split and a few unneeded stashes. 这是一个非常简单的线性一人历史,除了早期的分裂和一些不必要的隐藏。
What's the best way to accomplish it? 最好的方法是什么?


Even simpler 更简单

mkdir program1
cd program1
git init
git pull ../origrepo smallprogram1

rinse, repeat 冲洗,重复

If you have stuff in a branch history that shouldn't be in that history any more, see git-filter-branch (eg --index-filter 'git rm unwanted-bits' ) and you're good to go 如果您在分支历史记录中有不应该再存在的内容,请参阅git-filter-branch (例如--index-filter 'git rm unwanted-bits' ),您可以开始使用

Don't forget to vacuum on your way out ( git gc --prune=... or git repack ) 不要忘记在出门时清理( git gc --prune=...git repack

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