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[英]how to send an image in winsock2, using c

I am writing a very simple webserver in c (winsock2). 我在c(winsock2)中写了一个非常简单的网络服务器。

I am able to return the contents of my html pages. 我能够返回我的html页面的内容。

Currently, what I am doing is writing the contents of a file into a char* buffer and sending it using "send()" 目前,我正在做的是将文件的内容写入char *缓冲区并使用“send()”发送它

Although when I try to read an image (jpg, bmp), I can't write the characters into a buffer a some characters are "null" (0). 虽然当我尝试读取图像(jpg,bmp)时,我无法将字符写入缓冲区,但某些字符为“null”(0)。

How can I send a whole image file ? 如何发送整个图像文件?

Thanks. 谢谢。

You can store null character in a char* buffer. 您可以在char*缓冲区中存储空字符。 You just have to use a counter to remember how many characters were written, instead of recomputing it by counting number of non-null characters (this can either be an integer or a pointer to the next point of insertion in the buffer). 您只需要使用计数器来记住写入了多少个字符,而不是通过计算非空字符的数量来重新计算它(这可以是整数或指向缓冲区中下一个插入点的指针)。

To send a file, you'll do something like that: 要发送文件,您可以执行以下操作:

int sendFile(int sock, const char* filename) {
    FILE* file = fopen(filename, "rb");
    if (file == NULL)
        return -1;

    if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) {
        return -1;

    off_t size = ftello(file);
    if (fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0) {
        return -1;

    if (SendBinaryFileHeaderAndSize(sock, size) < 0) {
        return -1;

    char buffer[4096];
    for (;;) {
        size_t read = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), file);
        if (read == 0) {
            int retcode = 0;
            if (ferror(file))
                retcode = -1;
            return retcode;

        for (size_t sent = 0; sent < read;) {
            int ret = send(sock, buffer + sent, read - sent, 0);
            if (ret < 0) {
                return -1;

            assert(ret <= read - sent);
            sent += ret;

You need to understand how send() and fread() work. 您需要了解send()和fread()的工作原理。 0s in the buffer are not a problem for send or fread - they do not interpret their buffers as null-terminated strings. 缓冲区中的0不是send或fread的问题 - 它们不会将它们的缓冲区解释为以null结尾的字符串。

Depending on how you load the image into your webserver, you would need to use either Winsock:TransmitPackets or Winsock:TransmitFile , also also wrapping the image in the appropriate HTTP headers 根据您将图像加载到Web服务器的方式,您需要使用Winsock:TransmitPacketsWinsock:TransmitFile ,还要将图像包装在适当的HTTP头中

Note that these are MS specific extensions. 请注意,这些是特定于MS的扩展。

Also see c++ - Bitmap transfer using winsock getdibits and setdibits 另请参阅c ++ - 使用winsock getdibits和setdibits进行位图传输

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