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[英]Adding to ReSharper's 'Related Files' list

From version 5.0 onwards, ReSharper offers a "Go To Related Files" navigation which offers a list of files that R# thinks are related to the file currently being edited: for example, base types, derived types, .designer.cs to and from the relevant .cs , and so on. 从版本5.0开始,ReSharper提供了一个“转到相关文件”导航 ,该导航提供了R#认为与当前正在编辑的文件相关的文件列表:例如,基本类型,派生类型, .designer.cs往返相关的.cs等。

I have looked in the R# Options and also online, but have not been able to find out: 我已经查看了R#选项以及在线,但未能找到:

Is there a way to add files to this list, either within R# natively or by an already-existing plug-in? 有没有办法将文件添加到此列表中,无论是在本地R#还是已经存在的插件中?

(My motivation is to be able to navigate at coding time between files containing classes that are connected by a run-time-only convention-over-configuration, er, convention) (我的动机是能够在包含通过仅运行时约定配置,呃,约定连接的类的文件之间的编码时间导航)

I don't know about existing plugins, but this feature is extendable. 我不知道现有的插件,但这个功能是可扩展的。 You need to implement IRelatedFilesProvider interface in your plugin and mark it by RelatedFilesProvider attribute. 您需要在插件中实现IRelatedFilesProvider接口,并通过RelatedFilesProvider属性对其进行标记。 As far as I know, NHibernate plugin do it for analogous task. 据我所知,NHibernate插件可以用于类似的任务。

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