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如何将调整大小的照片添加到我的网站? ,如何将照片通过ftp传输到服务器

[英]how to add resize photos to my site ? , how to ftp photos to server

I have the necessity to upload some photos to my server (giving users the capability to), but before doing it, I need the user to be able to resize the photo, like they do in picasa when the pic is to big, or online in this sites, reducePhoto.com or shrinkPictures.com 我必须将一些照片上传到我的服务器(允许用户使用),但在这样做之前,我需要用户能够调整照片的大小,就像他们在Picasa变大或在线时在picasa中所做的一样在此网站上, reducePhoto.comrinklePictures.com

that is task one... now for the second task, need to add some ftp functionality, so the user can upload the photos to the server(like filezilla style, but with some web site front page that the user just select what to upload, and clicks "upload") 这是第一个任务...现在执行第二个任务,需要添加一些ftp功能,以便用户可以将照片上传到服务器(例如filezilla样式,但是带有一些网站首页,用户可以选择要上传的内容) ,然后点击“上传”)

  • hopefully using PHP 希望使用PHP

Thanks! 谢谢!

I'm not a php expert, but it looks like there are image functions available. 我不是php专家,但看起来有可用的图像功能。 See the php api: 请参阅php API:

http://vn2.php.net/manual/en/book.image.php http://vn2.php.net/manual/zh/book.image.php

and notably, the imagecopyresized function: 尤其是imagecopyresize函数:

http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imagecopyresized.php http://www.php.net/manual/zh/function.imagecopyresized.php

As for uploading files via a website form..there are tons of exmamples of this online. 至于通过网站表单上传文件,..在线有大量示例。 You should try google first. 您应该先尝试Google。

http://www.tizag.com/phpT/fileupload.php http://www.tizag.com/phpT/fileupload.php

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