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[英]ip blocking someone with dynamic dns

so I'm trying to think of an ip blocking system, and i figure i could store a list of forbidden ips in a database and then prevent people with those ips from accessing the site using php or something... 所以我试图考虑一个ip阻止系统,我想我可以在数据库中存储一个禁止的ip列表,然后阻止那些ip的人使用php或其他方式访问该网站...

but then how do i effectively handle those with dynamic ip addresses from dynamic dns? 但是,我该如何有效地处理那些来自动态DNS的具有动态IP地址的地址呢?

any good suggestions? 有什么好的建议吗?

Dynamic DNS (fakepc.dyndns.org) is the per-computer-voluntary ability to register its numeric IP address ( each time it changes, under a specific voluntarily-constant DNS 'friendly name'. 动态DNS(fakepc.dyndns.org)是每台计算机自愿在其每次更改的IP地址(下使用特定的自愿恒定DNS“友好名称”注册其数字IP地址的功能。 It allows you to find a specific computer's numeric IP address as it moves around, given that unchanging DNS 'friendly name'. 考虑到DNS的“友好名称”不变,它允许您查找特定计算机的数字IP地址。

Dynamic DNS is probably unrelated to your goals for a blocking system for any traditionally functioning web browsers. 对于任何运行正常的Web浏览器,动态DNS可能与您的阻止系统目标无关。 The majority of the population doesn't have Dynamic DNS enabled. 大多数人没有启用动态DNS。 If they do, they could be using multiple computers/IP addresses with the same DNS address... or the converse. 如果这样做,他们可能正在使用具有相同DNS地址的多台计算机/ IP地址...或者相反。 DNS won't really help you establish identity for users. DNS并不会真正帮助您为用户建立身份。 Even when a person has a consistently-applied Dynamic DNS name, a web server typically can't determine what that is. 即使一个人使用一致的动态DNS名称,Web服务器通常也无法确定它是什么。 By that, I mean your server can't readily convert from IP Address to Dynamic DNS address, only the other way around. 那样的话,我的意思是您的服务器不能轻易地从IP地址转换为动态DNS地址,只能相反。

IP addresses themselves can also change over time, but this is typically less by user choice (instead, for example, occurring after month-long periods of inactivity with their ISP). IP地址本身也可以随时间而变化,但是通常由用户选择较少(例如,发生在与ISP长达一个月的不活动时间之后)。 Certainly the average user will see a fairly consistent IP address associated with all the PCs in their home from month-to-month. 当然,每个月普通用户都会看到一个与其家庭中所有PC关联的相当一致的IP地址。 However, I can just take my laptop and go to StarBucks, I'll get a different IP and if I've cleared all my browser cookies, etc. you can't tell that it's me without personal identification. 但是,我只能带上笔记本电脑去StarBucks,我将获得一个不同的IP,并且如果我清除了所有浏览器Cookie等,则不能不加个人识别就说是我。

The network service that provides IP addresses dynamically is 'DHCP'. 动态提供IP地址的网络服务是“ DHCP”。

At the end of the day, IP addresses aren't a good per-user blocking strategy, but only you can judge if the frequency of false-positives and false-negatives from any automated IP address blocking system would be appropriate to your solution. 归根结底,IP地址并不是一种针对每个用户的良好阻止策略,但是只有您可以判断任何自动IP地址阻止系统中出现误报和误报的频率是否适合您的解决方案。

You might get greater benefit from an automated whitelisting system using IP addresses, rather than a blacklisting system, if your goal is to reduce the effort of users proving goodwill over time. 如果您的目标是减少随着时间的推移证明用户的商誉的努力,那么使用IP地址的自动白名单系统(而不是黑名单系统)可能会获得更大的收益。

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