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[英]how to get no of days and nights between two dates using c#

i am doing a project on cab services.in this rate is different for day and night. 我正在做出租车服务项目。白天和黑夜的价格都不一样。 in the form only journey start date and end date is selected.based on this i have to calculate the no of days and nights. 在表格中,仅选择旅程的开始日期和结束日期。基于此,我必须计算日夜数。

here i am confused how to calculate the no of days and night. 在这里,我很困惑如何计算日夜数。

thanks in advance. 提前致谢。

private List<DateTime> GetDateRange(DateTime StartingDate, DateTime EndingDate)
    if (StartingDate > EndingDate)
        return null;
    List<DateTime> rv = new List<DateTime>();
    DateTime tmpDate = StartingDate;
        tmpDate = tmpDate.AddDays(1);
    } while (tmpDate <= EndingDate);
    return rv;

To view this code in action, copy and paste the following code into SnippetCompiler: 要查看实际运行中的代码,请将以下代码复制并粘贴到SnippetCompiler中:

DateTime StartingDate = DateTime.Parse("02/25/2007");
DateTime EndingDate = DateTime.Parse("03/06/2007");
foreach (DateTime date in GetDateRange(StartingDate,EndingDate))

Sample output : 样本输出:


Use the Subtract method to get the difference, which is a TimeSpan value. 使用Subtract获得时差,即TimeSpan值。 Example: 例:

TimeSpan diff = SecondDate.Subtract(FirstDate);

You can get the length of the time span for example in hours: 您可以获取时间跨度的长度,例如小时数:

double hours = diff.TotalHours;

I'm not sure which time unit "days and nights" could be interpreted as, though. 我不确定哪个时间单位“昼夜”可以解释为。 Perhaps days? 也许几天?

double days = diff.TotalDays;
DateTime dt1,dt2;
TimeSpan period = dt1 - dt2;
int days = period.Days;

It sounds like a very long Cab journey that takes days and nights! 听起来这是一段漫长的出租车旅程,需要花费几天和夜晚!

I think you need to define what a day and a night is more clearly in order to get your perfect answer. 我认为您需要定义一个更清晰的白天和黑夜,以获得最佳答案。 You also need to think about what impact Daylight Saving Time has on your calculations. 您还需要考虑夏时制对您的计算有何影响。

If say: 如果说:

  • a day was the period from 6am to 6pm 一天是从早上6点到下午6点
  • the night was the rest - from 6pm to 6am 晚上休息了-从6pm到6am
  • and you wanted to really count hours rather than days 而您想真正地数小时而不是数天

In this case then a calculation would require you to: 在这种情况下,那么计算将需要您:

  • iterate a currentDateTime from the startDateTime to the endDateTime 将currentDateTime从startDateTime迭代到endDateTime
  • choose the increment in the currentDateTime so that it jumps to the next time barrier (6am, 6pm or the endDateTime) 选择currentDateTime中的增量,使其跳至下一个时间间隔(上午6点,下午6点或endDateTime)
  • within each loop, then add to your cumulative calculation of numDayHours or numNightHours so far. 在每个循环中,然后将到目前为止的numDayHours或numNightHours添加到您的累计计算中。

Note that: 注意:

  • you could make this calculation quicker by counting whole days along the way 您可以通过计算整天的时间来加快计算速度
  • you need to be very careful about the time zone you are calculating in (I just hope that your taxi doesn't cross time zone boundaries!) 您需要非常小心要计算的时区(我只是希望您的出租车不会越过时区边界!)
  • you need to be very careful about local time changes - especially "daylight savings time" type changes - the duration from 6pm to 6am is not always 12 hours ! 您需要特别注意本地时间的更改-特别是“夏令时”类型的更改- 从6pm到6am的持续时间并不总是12小时

Some pseudo code: 一些伪代码:

   var numDayHours = 0.0;
   var numNightHours = 0.0;

   var current = startDateTime;

   while (current < endDateTime)
       next_hop = calculate_next_hop (current, endDateTime);

       // select next date time
       switch (next_hop.hop_type)
           case HopType.night_time_hop:
               numNightHours += next_hop.num_hours;

           case HopType.day_time_hop:
               numDayHours += next_hop.num_hours;

       current = next_hop.EndDateTime;          

   // and here is the result
   double numDays = numDayHours / 12.0;
   double numHours = numNightHours / 12.0;

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