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IntelliJ IDEA冻结源代码完成

[英]IntelliJ IDEA freezing on source code completion

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 10.0 for Java development. 我正在使用IntelliJ IDEA 10.0进行Java开发。 A few days ago it started to reveal a strange behavior with auto-completion: pop-ups with completion options appears as usual, but IDEA completely freezes after choosing an option. 几天前,它开始显示自动完成的奇怪行为:带有完成选项的弹出窗口像往常一样出现,但IDEA在选择选项后完全冻结。

Cache cleaning doesn't help. 缓存清理没有帮助。

Has anyone else encountered this? 有人遇到过这种情况么?

Update: Another symptom: IDEA freezes when trying to auto-implement method (eg toString ) 更新:另一个症状:IDEA在尝试自动实现方法时冻结(例如toString

This is may be due to garbage collector working hard. 这可能是由于垃圾收集器努力工作。

Try give your IDE more memory. 尝试给你的IDE更多的内存。 You can do it in idea.exe.vmoptions (if you use windows). 您可以在idea.exe.vmoptions (如果您使用Windows)中执行此操作。 Increase -xmx property to at least 512 MB. -xmx属性增加到至少512 MB。

This may not be the same issue you describe, but I have experienced long (but not eternal) freezes, where after a minute or two it came back to respond. 这可能与你描述的问题不一样,但我经历了长时间(但不是永恒)的冻结,在一两分钟之后,它又回来了。 This happened whenever I pressed Ctrl+Alt+Space in the code completion popup, which caused IDEA to load all project and external libraries to browse for possible completion options. 每当我在代码完成弹出窗口中按下Ctrl + Alt + Space时就会发生这种情况,这导致IDEA加载所有项目和外部库以浏览可能的完成选项。

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