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[英]Set StackPanel background to WP7 selected accent (theme) color

I am wondering if it is possible to set the background of my StackPanel to the Windows Phone 7 user selected accent (theme) color. 我想知道是否可以将StackPanel的背景设置为Windows Phone 7用户选择的重音(主题)颜色。 I have heard that you are supposed to use styles so it can be used for all the StackPanels on the current xaml page. 我听说你应该使用样式,因此它可以用于当前xaml页面上的所有StackPanel。 However I am a bit lost. 但是我有点迷茫。

Example of my current static background color: 我当前静态背景颜色的示例:

<StackPanel Width="400" Background="#FF1BA1E2" Margin="0, 10, 0, 0" Tag="ABC">
       <TextBlock Text="ABC" FontSize="50" Margin="10" />

Thanks for the help in advance. 我在这里先向您的帮助表示感谢。

PS: Just in case anyone is wondering the hexadecimal value "#FF1BA1E2" is the color of the default WP7 blue accent (theme). PS:万一有人想知道十六进制值“#FF1BA1E2”是默认WP7蓝色重音(主题)的颜色。


Background="{StaticResource PhoneAccentBrush}"

i have encountered the same exception while trying this. 我在尝试这个时遇到了同样的异常。 just try Apply Binding to the Background through Properties tab. 只需通过“属性”选项卡尝试“将绑定应用于Background or hardcode this into the xaml file, to the stackpanel element 或者将其硬编码到xaml文件中,然后硬编码到stackpanel元素

Background="{Binding Source={StaticResource PhoneAccentBrush}}"

it solves the exception. 它解决了这个例外。 :) :)

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