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关闭Kohana 3中的默认路线?

[英]Turn off default routes in Kohana 3?

I believe I know how to do this, but wanted to verify with my awesome community peeps. 我相信我知道该怎么做,但是想与我的社区友人分享一下。 =) =)

Here's an example: 这是一个例子:

I have a Controller class called 'tami', with an action 'index'. 我有一个名为“ tami”的Controller类,带有一个动作“ index”。

I know that if I want someone to access that controller/action combo via an URL other than "/tami/" or "/tami/index", then I should add a route, via something like this: 我知道,如果我希望有人通过除“ / tami /”或“ / tami / index”以外的URL访问该控制器/操作组合,那么我应该通过以下方式添加一条路由:

Route::set('pretty_tami', 'these-are-my-initials(/<action>)')
        'controller' => 'tami',
        'action' => 'index',

But, users can still access this page via /tami/ . 但是,用户仍然可以通过/tami/访问此页面。

How can I turn off the default routing, so that the only valid routes are the ones I define? 如何关闭默认路由,以便唯一有效的路由是我定义的路由?

I assume I can just remove the default route found in kohana/application/bootstrap.php . 我假设我可以删除在kohana/application/bootstrap.php找到的默认路由。 Is that correct? 那是对的吗? Or would that break something else? 还是会破坏其他东西?

I think the easiest way would be to remove the default route in your bootstrap file, yes. 我认为最简单的方法是删除引导文件中的默认路由,是的。 However, any controllers that you have not manually specified a route for can no longer be accessed. 但是,无法再访问尚未手动指定路由的任何控制器。

What I would do is create a class, eg Controller_Derouter that Controller_Tami extends. 我会做的是创建一个类,如Controller_Derouter那Controller_Tami延伸。 Use the before() method in Controller_Derouter to test if the controller was accessed from the default route, and if so, throw a 404. I think you should be able to do that by comparing $this->request->controller against the first URI segment. 使用Controller_Derouter中的before()方法测试是否通过默认路由访问了控制器,如果是,则抛出404。我认为您应该可以通过将$this->request->controller与第一个进行比较来做到这一点。 URI段。

Edit: The solution mentioned above is unnecessary if you ever only plan on disabling the default route for just the Tami controller. 编辑:如果仅计划仅禁用Tami控制器的默认路由,则上述解决方案是不必要的。 If that's the case, you could just implement the before() method directly in the Tami controller. 如果是这种情况,您可以直接在Tami控制器中实现before()方法。

I'd say exactly the same as @simshaun — either remove the default route (leaving other controllers unreachable) or check in the before() function in Controller_Tami for the uri to see if it's what you're after. 我想说的与@simshaun完全一样-删除默认路由(使其他控制器无法访问),或者在Controller_Tami检查before()函数中的uri,以查看它是否在后面。

If you're using Kohana 3.1, you can now use lambda logic/anonymous functions to define your routes . 如果您使用的是Kohana 3.1, 则现在可以使用lambda逻辑/匿名函数来定义路线

Something like this would take the extra routing logic out of the controller (which is good as we're keeping it in one place): 这样的事情会使多余的路由逻辑脱离控制器(这很好,因为我们将其保留在一个位置):

Route::set('default', function($uri)
        if ($uri == 'tami' OR $uri == 'tami/index')
            // Route not allowed by the default methods
            throw new Kohana_404_Exception("Route not permitted");

Something I haven't yet used but it looks amazingly powerful. 我尚未使用过的东西,但看起来功能强大。

Maybe like this? 也许是这样的?

Route::set('pretty_tami', 'these-are-my-initials/<action>')
        'controller' => 'tami',

So there wouldn't be a default action . 因此,不会有默认action And you probably want to update the default route (if you still have one) with a regex to exclude tami . 您可能想用正则表达式更新default路由(如果仍然有)以排除tami

Route::set('default', '(<controller>(/<action>(/<id>)))', array('controller' => '/^(?!tami)/'))
        'controller' => 'welcome',
        'action'     => 'index',

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