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[英]Parse query string into an array

How can I turn a string below into an array ?如何将下面的字符串转换为数组


This is the array I am looking for,这是我正在寻找的数组,

    'pg_id' => 2,
    'parent_id' => 2,
    'document' => ,
    'video' =>

You want the parse_str function, and you need to set the second parameter to have the data put in an array instead of into individual variables.您需要parse_str函数,并且需要设置第二个参数以将数据放入数组而不是放入单个变量中。

$get_string = "pg_id=2&parent_id=2&document&video";

parse_str($get_string, $get_array);


Sometimes parse_str() alone is note accurate, it could display for example:有时单独的parse_str()是注释准确的,它可以显示例如:

$url = "somepage?id=123&lang=gr&size=300";

parse_str() would return: parse_str() 将返回:

Array ( 
    [somepage?id] => 123 
    [lang] => gr 
    [size] => 300 

It would be better to combine parse_str() with parse_url() like so:parse_str()parse_url()结合起来会更好,如下所示:

$url = "somepage?id=123&lang=gr&size=300";
parse_str( parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_QUERY), $array );
print_r( $array );

Using parse_str() .使用parse_str()

$str = 'pg_id=2&parent_id=2&document&video';
parse_str($str, $arr);

If you're having a problem converting a query string to an array because of encoded ampersands如果由于编码的&符号而将查询字符串转换为数组时遇到问题


then be sure to use html_entity_decode那么一定要使用html_entity_decode


// Input string //
$input = 'pg_id=2&parent_id=2&document&video';

// Parse //
parse_str(html_entity_decode($input), $out);

// Output of $out //
  'pg_id' => 2,
  'parent_id' => 2,
  'document' => ,
  'video' =>

Use http://us1.php.net/parse_str使用http://us1.php.net/parse_str

Attention, its usage is:注意,它的用法是:

parse_str($str, &$array);


$array = parse_str($str);

Please note that the above only applies to PHP version 5.3 and earlier .请注意,以上仅适用于 PHP 5.3 及更早版本 Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed in PHP 5.4. PHP 5.4 中删除了调用时传递引用。

There are several possible methods, but for you, there is already a built-in parse_str function :有几种可能的方法,但对你来说,已经有一个内置的parse_str函数

$array = array();
parse_str($string, $array);

这是将查询从当前 URL 解析为数组的单行代码:

parse_str($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'], $query);

You can use the PHP string function parse_str() followed by foreach loop.您可以使用 PHP 字符串函数parse_str()后跟foreach循环。

foreach($my_arr as $key=>$value){
  echo "$key => $value<br>";

But PHP already comes with a built in $_GET function. this will convert it to the array by itself.但是 PHP 已经带有一个内置的 $_GET function。这将把它自己转换成数组。

try print_r($_GET) and you will get the same results.试试print_r($_GET) ,你会得到相同的结果。

You can try this code:你可以试试这个代码:

    $str = "pg_id=2&parent_id=2&document&video";
    $array = array();
    parse_str($str, $array);


    [pg_id] => 2
    [parent_id] => 2
    [document] =>
    [video] =>

This is the PHP code to split a query in MySQL and SQL Server :这是在MySQLSQL Server 中拆分查询的 PHP 代码:

function splitquery($strquery)
    $arrquery = explode('select', $strquery);

    $stry = ''; $strx = '';

    for($i=0; $i<count($arrquery); $i++)
        if($i == 1)
            echo 'select ' . trim($arrquery[$i]);
        elseif($i > 1)
            $strx = trim($arrquery[($i-1)]);

            if(trim(substr($strx,-1)) != '(')
                $stry = $stry . '

                        select ' . trim($arrquery[$i]);
                $stry = $stry.trim('select ' . trim($arrquery[$i]));
            $strx = '';
    return $stry;


Query before查询之前

Select xx from xx select xx,(select xx) from xx where y='    cc'
select xx from xx left join (select xx) where (select top 1 xxx from xxx) oder by xxx desc";

Query after查询后

select xx from xx

select xx,(select xx) from xx where y='    cc'

select xx from xx left join (select xx) where (select top 1 xxx from xxx) oder by xxx desc

For this specific question the chosen answer is correct but if there is a redundant parameter—like an extra "e"—in the URL the function will silently fail without an error or exception being thrown:对于这个特定问题,选择的答案是正确的,但如果 URL 中存在冗余参数(如额外的“e”),则该函数将静默失败,而不会引发错误或异常:


So I prefer using my own parser like so:所以我更喜欢像这样使用我自己的解析器:

//$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = `a=2&b=2&c=5&d=4&e=100&e=200&e=300` 

$url_qry_str  = explode('&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']);

//arrays that will hold the values from the url
$a_arr = $b_arr = $c_arr = $d_arr = $e_arr =  array();

foreach( $url_qry_str as $param )
      $var =  explode('=', $param, 2);
      if($var[0]=="a")      $a_arr[]=$var[1];
      if($var[0]=="b")      $b_arr[]=$var[1];
      if($var[0]=="c")      $c_arr[]=$var[1];
      if($var[0]=="d")      $d_arr[]=$var[1];
      if($var[0]=="e")      $e_arr[]=$var[1];

    // will return :
    //array(3) { [0]=> string(1) "100" [1]=> string(1) "200" [2]=> string(1) "300" } 

Now you have all the occurrences of each parameter in its own array, you can always merge them into one array if you want to.现在您在自己的数组中拥有每个参数的所有出现次数,如果您愿意,您可以随时将它们合并到一个数组中。

Hope that helps!希望有帮助!

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