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[英]What is the correct validation to check a input is exists or not in database

Example my MySQL table 我的MySQL表示例

content_id  content_user  content_title        content_slug
1           1             Hello World          hello-world
2           1             Hello Stackoverflow  hello-stackoverflow
3           2             Fix me               fix-me
4           3             Testing              testing

Update 更新

content_slug is a unique key. content_slug是一个唯一的密钥。

$input = 'Hello World';
$slug  = function_slug($input); // this will be hello-world

/* begin the validation */
$query = $db->query("SELECT * 
                    FROM tbl_content 
                    WHERE content_slug='{$slug}'
$data  = $db->fetch($query);
$check = $db->num_rows($query);

if($check == 1) {
$seo = $slug;
 } else {
$seo  = $slug.'-'.time();
/* end the validation */

$db->query("UPDATE tbl_content 
            SET content_slug= '{$db->escape($seo)}'
            WHERE content_id ='{$db->escape($id)}'
            AND content_user ='{$db->escape($_SESSION['user_id'])}'

A bit long :) Here I want to know, what is the correct validation should I use if I want 有点长:)在这里我想知道,如果我需要,我应该使用什么是正确的验证

  • If hello-world = current content_user use the first if 如果hello-world = current content_user使用第一个if
  • If hello-world <> current content_user and hello-world already exists in database use the } else { 如果hello-world <>当前content_userhello-world已存在于数据库中,请使用} else {

Let me know.. 让我知道..

I really don't think you want what you're asking for, but this does what you are asking for in one update query. 我真的不认为你想要的是什么,但这会在一次更新查询中满足你的要求。

UPDATE tbl_content 
            SET content_slug= IF(content_user = '{$db->escape($_SESSION['user_id'])}',
                                 CONCAT(content_slug, '-',  DATE_FORMAT(now(), '%Y%m%d%H%i%s%f')))
            WHERE content_id ='{$db->escape($id)}'


I imagine you want to insert a new row in your table for the different user, in which case, you would need an insert statement. 我想你想在你的表中为不同的用户插入一个新行,在这种情况下,你需要一个insert语句。 If you want to insert a new row no matter what, then this should work for you: 如果你想插入一个新行,无论如何,那么这应该适合你:

$slug = "'$db->escape($slug)'";
$db->query("INSERT INTO tbl_content (content_user, content_title, content_slug)
            SELECT '{$db->escape($_SESSION['user_id'])}', '{$db->escape($title)}',
                   IF(EXISTS(SELECT content_id FROM tbl_content WHERE content_slug = $slug),
                      CONCAT($slug, DATE_FORMAT(now(), '-%Y%m%d%H%i%s%f')), $slug)");

If, however, for whatever reason you only want to insert a new row if you don't have the same content_user as before, then you can go with the ugliness here: 但是,如果由于某种原因你只想插入一个新行,如果你没有和以前一样的content_user ,那么你可以在这里找到丑陋的地方:

$slug = "'{$db->escape($slug)}'";
$user = "'{$db->escape($_SESSION['user_id'])}'";
$db->query("INSERT INTO tbl_content (content_user, content_title, content_slug)
            SELECT $user, '{$db->escape($title)}',
                   IF(EXISTS(SELECT content_id FROM tbl_content WHERE content_slug = $slug),
                      CONCAT($slug, DATE_FORMAT(now(), '-%Y%m%d%H%i%s%f')), $slug)
            FROM tbl_content
            WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT content_id FROM tbl_content
                             WHERE content_slug = $slug AND content_user = $user)
            LIMIT 1"));
 UPDATE <table> SET <field> = <new value> **WHERE** <current User> != <hello world>

I think it would be something like this: 我想会是这样的:

$input = 'Hello World';
$slug1  = function_slug($input); // this will be hello-world

$query = $db->query("SELECT * 
                    FROM tbl_content 
                    WHERE content_slug='{$slug1}'
$data  = $db->fetch($query);
$check = $db->num_rows($query);

if($check == 1)
$slug2  = $slug1.'-'.time();
$db->query("UPDATE tbl_content 
            SET content_slug= '{$db->escape($slug2)}'
            WHERE content_id ='{$db->escape($id)}'
            AND content_user ='{$db->escape($_SESSION['user_id'])}'
            AND content_slug <> '{$db->escape($slug1)}'

<> means not equal, != should do as well The extra where will only update if content_slug is not equal to hello-world <>表示不相等,!=也应该这样做额外的地方只有在content_slug不等于hello-world时才会更新

I think your db-logic is flawed. 我认为你的db-logic存在缺陷。 but to answer your precise question: just append a UUID and it, whatever it is, will be unique. 但要回答你的确切问题:只需附加一个UUID即可,无论它是什么,它都是独一无二的。 but what is content_slug and why should it be unique? 但是content_slug是什么?为什么它应该是唯一的? that is your question for yourself. 这是你自己的问题。

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