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[英]java: Using a remote JMS provider

I have a tomcat web application. 我有一个tomcat web应用程序。 It uses a couple of remote modules. 它使用了几个远程模块。 One of the modules publishes some messages (about it states) into queue. 其中一个模块将一些消息(关于它状态)发布到队列中。 I need to read it. 我需要阅读它。 how can I do it? 我该怎么做? As far as I know I need realization of IninialContext to obtain remote queue by name, right? 据我所知,我需要实现IninialContext以获取名称的远程队列,对吧? Haven't found any useful materials on the net. 网上没有找到任何有用的资料。

在activemq站点上的这个链接上: http ://activemq.apache.org/how-should-i-implemple-request-response-with-jms.html查看类ServerClient以获取编写JMS ConsumerProducer帮助。

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