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Objective-C Float /双精度

[英]Objective-C Float / Double precision

I was messing around with storing float s and double s using NSUserDefaults for use in an iPhone application, and I came across some inconsistencies in how the precision works with them, and how I understood it works. 我正在使用NSUserDefaults在iPhone应用程序中使用存储floatdouble ,我遇到了一些不一致的精度如何与它们一起工作,以及我如何理解它的工作原理。

This works exactly as I figured: 这完全像我想的那样工作:

    NSString *key = @"OneLastKey";
    [PPrefs setFloat:235.1f forKey:key];
    GHAssertFalse([PPrefs getFloatForKey:key] == 235.1, @"");
    [PPrefs removeObjectForKey:key];

However, this one doesn't: 但是,这个没有:

    NSString *key = @"SomeDoubleKey";
    [PPrefs setDouble:234.32 forKey:key];
    GHAssertEquals([PPrefs getDoubleForKey:key], 234.32, @"");
    [PPrefs removeObjectForKey:key];

This is the output GHUnit gives me: 这是GHUnit给我的输出:

'234.320007324' should be equal to '234.32'. 

But, if I first cast the double to a float , and then to a double it works without fail: 但是,如果我首先将double转换为float ,然后转换为double则它会正常工作:

    NSString *key = @"SomeDoubleKey";
    [PPrefs setDouble:234.32 forKey:key];
    GHAssertEquals([PPrefs getDoubleForKey:key], (double)(float)234.32, @"");
    [PPrefs removeObjectForKey:key];

I was under the assumption that numbers entered without an 'f' at the end were already considered double s. 我假设在最后输入的没有'f'的数字已经被认为是double s。 Is this incorrect? 这是不正确的? If so, why does casting to a float and then double work correctly? 如果是这样,为什么要投射float然后double正常工作?

Solved! 解决了! Turns out my framework method +(void)setDouble:(double)value forKey:(NSString*)key was actually defined as +(void)setDouble:( float )value forKey:(NSString*)key . 结果我的框架方法+(void)setDouble:(double)value forKey:(NSString*)key实际定义为+(void)setDouble:( float )value forKey:(NSString*)key The value passed was a double but was converted to a float for use in the method. 传递的值 double,但转换为float以在方法中使用。 A simple copy and paste issue. 一个简单的复制和粘贴问题。 Too bad the Objective-C compiler didn't at least throw up a warning like it seems to do for everything else... 太糟糕了,Objective-C编译器至少没有像其他一切那样发出警告......

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