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将PHP网站移植到Ruby on Rails

[英]Porting PHP Site to Ruby on Rails

I have a really simple site in PHP / MySQL and JQuery http://mathalon.in/ , I am learning Ruby on Rails , its fantastic . 我在PHP / MySQL和JQuery中有一个非常简单的网站http://mathalon.in/ ,我正在学习Ruby on Rails,它很棒。 I wish to port my existing site with data from PHP to Ruby on Rails. 我希望将现有站点从PHP移植到Ruby on Rails。

I couldn't find any good solution. 我找不到任何好的解决方案。 Any Help ? 有帮助吗?

Definitely I mirror fl00r's response here, there's no magical "port from PHP to Rails" tool. 毫无疑问,我在这里反映了fl00r的响应,没有神奇的“从PHP到Rails的端口”工具。 You'll need to do it manually. 您需要手动进行。

Best thing to do first though, is to just write some simple Rails app yourself - just to get the hang of it. 不过,首先要做的最好的事情是自己编写一些简单的Rails应用程序-只是为了掌握它。 Also using tutorial sites like Rails for Zombies and Railscasts will really help. 此外,使用教程网站(如《僵尸的Rails》和《 Railscasts》)很有帮助

Also, make good use of the official Ruby on Rails Guides and the official Ruby on Rails API documentation 此外,请充分利用官方的Ruby on Rails指南官方的Ruby on Rails API文档

After you've done your first simple app with the help of a tutorial, then take on the task of porting your PHP application. 教程的帮助下完成了第一个简单的应用程序之后然后承担移植PHP应用程序的任务。

Jason King is right. 杰森·金(Jason King)是对的。 You should first understand the rails way to handle the Database. 您首先应该了解处理数据库的Rails方法。 Then start porting the database, I guess, being a good in database, you can create various new database scheme or views, and then import the tables into your rails database. 我想,然后,开始移植数据库,作为数据库的好手,您可以创建各种新的数据库方案或视图,然后将表导入到Rails数据库中。

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