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[英]emacs cut paste

In emacs, when I want to cut/copy and paste (kill and yank) to or from other applications, it often does not work if I do that through keyboard shortcuts, but works if I do that by using the mouse and selecting the command under the Edit Menu. 在emacs中,当我想从其他应用程序剪切/复制和粘贴(杀死并取消)时,如果通过键盘快捷键执行此操作通常不起作用,但是如果我通过使用鼠标并选择命令来执行此操作则通常无效在编辑菜单下。 Is this a bug, or intended to be like that? 这是一个错误,还是想要这样?

By the way, interestingly, drag-and-dropping into emacs works, but doing out of emacs does not work. 顺便说一下,有趣的是,将其拖放到emacs中是可行的,但是退出emacs则不起作用。

I am using GNU emacs 23.3 under gnome on ubuntu linux 10.04. 我在ubuntu linux 10.04上的gnome下使用GNU emacs 23.3。 It was like this from earlier versions of emacs and ubuntu linux. 早期的emacs和ubuntu linux就是这样。

You should probably read this Emacs Wiki : http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/CopyAndPaste 您可能应该阅读此Emacs Wiki: http : //www.emacswiki.org/emacs/CopyAndPaste

I think that the most important is here ! 我认为最重要的是这里

In a nutshell : 简而言之 :

(setq x-select-enable-clipboard t)

Yes, indeed x-select-enable-clipboard is indispensable, but even on a barebones emacs, remember that you can always copy and paste by selecting and then mouse-2 (the wheel) and this, all though X . 是的,确实x-select-enable-clipboard是必不可少的,但是即使在准系统的emacs上,也要记住,您始终可以通过选择,然后选择mouse-2(滚轮)进行复制和粘贴,而这一切都通过X进行 It's surprising how many people ignore this basic X trick. 令人惊讶的是,有多少人忽略了这个基本的X技巧。

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