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[英]Div on the left side of an image

I have a div with several other divs inside it. 我有一个div,其中还有其他几个div。

I would like to place a an image to the right side of this div. 我想在该div的右侧放置一个图像。

I've tried all types float:left; 我试过所有类型的float:left; clear:both; .... but does not work. ....但不起作用。

Here you can see the complete code of the page. 在这里,您可以看到页面的完整代码。

The div marked in blue, will be on the left, the img marked in red, should be on the right side of the blue div. 用蓝色标记的div将在左侧,用红色标记的img应在蓝色div的右侧。

PS The image is not available, so it will display alternative text, but this should not be important. PS该图像不可用,因此它将显示替代文本,但这并不重要。

Float #waycontact to the left: 浮动#waycontact到左侧:

div#waycontact {
    margin:20px 40px;
    float: left;

Then float #logo to the left and give it a margin-top to match #waycontact : 然后将#logo浮动到左侧,并在其margin-top留一个margin-top以匹配#waycontact

img#logo {
    float: left;
    margin-top: 20px;

Then add a clearing <div> immediately after #logo to clean up the floats: 然后在#logo之后立即添加清除<div>以清理浮点数:

<div style="clear: both;"></div>

http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/CdqJk/1/ http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/CdqJk/1/

(Original backwards version below) (下面是原始的向后版本)

First, move #id above #waycontact in the HTML. 首先,将#id #waycontact HTML中的#id上方。 Then: 然后:

 img#logo { float: left; margin-top: 20px; /* to match #waycontact[margin-top] */ } div#waycontact { width:300px; margin:20px 40px 20px 100px; } 

The margin-left:100px on #waycontact is to make enough room for the #logo , the real margin value will depend on how big the logo image really is. margin-left:100px#waycontact是让足够的空间为#logo ,真正的边距值将取决于标志图像确实有多大。

http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/CdqJk/ http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/CdqJk/

You need to add float:left; 您需要添加float:left; to div#waycontact so it can be in the flow of the structure. div#waycontact以便它可以出现在结构的流动中。

See updated updated example here 在这里查看更新的更新示例

float #waycontact left. 向左浮动#waycontact and then make sure the #content clears 然后确保#content清除


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